How many spirit guides do we have? [Conectando con ellos] –

Black Witch with knowledge of more than 20 years in red magic and domination spells; main editor at MI SPELL POST, EZEQUIELASMODEUS.COM and creator of SPELLS TO DOMINATE ORG. He is willing to help you solve your problems in a simple way through witchcraft.

Spirit guides can be our light in the darkness, guidance, help and support when needed.

Did you know that? Maybe you already knew this and are experiencing incredible connections with them! If so, good job, really!

If you are connected with a spirit guide and want to know how many spirit guides we have, keep reading this article to find out everything!

Who is a spiritual guide?

A spirit guide is not a ghost, it is not a loved one of ours who has died, but it is an entity of light, more evolved than its protégé, who has already experienced that stage of the evolutionary path and has abandoned the cycle. of human death and birth.

The spirit guide itself is an entity that accompanies the person from birth to death to guide and protect them because it knows their life project (experiences to face, tasks to perform, strengths and weaknesses, etc.).

However, other spirit guides deal with the person only for a transitory period of time or for specific matters: for example, a kindred spirit guide may assist a healer only in his therapeutic activity.

Other erratic spirits recognize spirit guides by their energy and spiritual level.

They are free from matter, appearance and materialism; They never act out of hatred, malpractice or morally and ethically questionable issues; Their communications are marked by usefulness, spiritual advancement and wisdom, but we must not allow ourselves to be deceived by the “form” because many deceiving spirits use high-sounding or wise language to disguise their nature: the meaning of communication and, above all, Everything, their actions contradict false wisdom.

An authentic spirit guide never acts to the detriment of someone and does not go against his idol because he executes universal laws.

Their duties are: to spiritually protect the person from harmful energies and evil spirits or low nature; transfer energy to the person to stabilize their aura or improve their energy field in order to generate well-being and good health and achieve goals; guide it towards the realization of the evolutionary path established for this incarnation. They are our teachers, sometimes severe.

How many spirit guides do we have?

An infinite number! We can have as many spirit guides as we want! It is not by our will but more related to our needs. For example, at a particular time in your life, you may need a spiritual guide to guide you, to show you the way. At another time in your life, you may need a spiritual guide to protect you.

Then you may need another spirit guide to bring you luck and so on. Spirit guides appear when you need them. There are many different types of spirit guides (I have an article about this here). They can come and go as you need them as you live your life.

I tried to connect with my spirit guide but saw no signs of it. Because?

Maybe you are not opening your intuition correctly. Maybe you are a little driven by stress and anxiety lately and maybe you are even experiencing this moment of connection and this opportunity for communication with your spirit guide as something to do, as something to achieve, as a goal, a task to accomplish. .

That is the wrong approach. You should focus on living your life with an open mind and soul and be ready to see signs from your spirit guide when he is trying to connect with you. If you are too stressed, you won’t be able to see them, so try to relax and give your spirit guide a chance to connect with you. They will do it when you need it most.

How do you know if there is a new spiritual guide around you?

You will definitely feel it! Each spirit guide brings with them a specific energy. If you feel alone and suddenly you feel that you are not alone, or one day you feel that you are afraid of the future and you don’t know what to do, but then a presence around you makes you feel safe and secure. It means there is another spiritual guide who gives you what you need in your life to live it at its best!

How to connect with each spiritual guide?

When a spiritual guide comes in, I think you should recognize it. He should say “thank you” or honor him so that he feels like he is loved and truly needed, but also respected and appreciated. There are some things you can do.

You can light a candle and say thank you.

If you feel that your spirit guide is someone like a loved one who has passed away, you can visit the cemetery or simply use a photograph, light a candle, and say a prayer or a simple thank you to this person.

You can make offerings like a cup of milk, a glass of wine, some food, or anything you feel like, but also flowers or an item you like. Simply place it next to the candle and say «thank you» or say something from the heart. If your spirit guide is an animal but also an angel or something else, you can honor it accordingly.

You can use a picture of that animal, an oracle card from that angel, and similar things. Do it from the heart and it will be great! Don’t forget to follow your instinct and your guts; You know what is best for your spirit guide since it is a part of you! Honor him and make him feel part of something bigger, let the union with you become alive and even stronger than ever!

If you want to improve your psychic abilities to communicate with your spirit guide, don’t forget that I have a spell casting service for this! If you want to know what message your spirit guide has for you, order a tarot reading instead!

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