About 107 billion – roughly 16 times the current population of the planet. The calculation was made by researchers at the Population Reference Bureau website (www.prb.org), which gathers data on demography. The numbers are obviously very approximate, starting with the first year of human life on Earth: for lack of a better option, they assume that in the year 50000 BC there were two inhabitants on the planet – the first man and the first woman. From then on, the account is divided into periods and is based on the average birth rate of each period. For example: from 50000 BC we jumped to 8000 BC, when man discovered agriculture and the birth rate exploded. During this period, the population went from 2 to 5 million inhabitants, following an average birth rate of 80 births per thousand inhabitants. In the following periods, the birth rate fell until reaching the current 23 births per thousand. Adding up all the periods, prb.org reached, in 2002, the result of 106.4 billion people. We add to this number the most recent data from the UN, which reports that, in 2007, we reached the mark of 6.7 billion inhabitants, that is, 485 million more people than the 6.215 billion that existed in 2002. Thus we arrive at a total of 106.941 billion inhabitants.
In the last 12 years more people have been born than in the first 42,000 years of human life
Year – 50000 BC
Population – 2
Births between periods – –
Year – 8000 BC
Population – 5 million
Births between periods – 1 137 789 769
Year – 1 AD
Population – 300 million
Births between periods – 46 025 332 354
Year – 1200
Population – 450 million
Births between periods – 26 591 343 000
Year – 1650
Population – 500 million
Births between periods – 12 782 002 453
Year – 1750
Population – 795 million
Births between periods – 3 171 931 513
Year – 1850
Population – 1.265 billion
Births between periods – 4 046 240 009
Year – 1900
Population – 1.656 billion
Births between periods – 2 900 237 856
Year – 1950
Population – 2.516 billion
Births between periods – 3 390 198 215
Year – 1995
Population – 5.760 billion
Births between periods – 5 427 305 000
Year – 2002
Population – 6.215 billion
Births between periods – 983 987 500
Year – 2007
Population – 6.7 billion*
Births between periods – 485 000 000
TOTAL BIRTHS TODAY – 106 941 367 669
Source: Population Reference Bureau
*UN estimate