How many Coca-Colas are sold per second in the world?

According to data from 2014, more than 1.7 billion cans, cups or bottles of beverages produced by the Coca-Cola Company are sold per day. That is: approximately 19,675 per second. In Brazil, the data are also impressive: in 2012, we consumed around 11.5 billion liters. Not bad for a product that began to be sold as a medicine in a pharmacy in Atlanta, USA, in 1886, for just 5 cents. That first year, only nine cups were sold. The big turning point came exactly 120 years ago, in 1894, when it was bottled by hand for the first time, by a consumer who wanted to take it on a picnic. Five years later, Coca-Cola was already being bottled on a large scale and taking over the world. Below, impressive data from the brand, both in the world and in Brazil (unless expressly mentioned, all data refer to March 2014):

+ How does the Coca-Cola formula remain a secret, even after all these years?

+ How many flavors of Coca-Cola are there?


More of 3,500 marks of drinks

9 years would be needed to try all the products in the portfolio, one per day

150 thousand employees all over the world

4 out of 5 Best selling non-alcoholic brands in the world: Coca-Cola, Diet Coke, Fanta and Sprite

3rd most valuable brand in the world, according to the Best Global Brands survey in 2015

1) Apple ($170 billion)

2) Google ($120 million)

3) Coca-Cola ($78 million)

1st position among the brands most remembered by Brazilians, according to the Top of Mind 2015 survey (tied with Omo, Samsung, Nestlé and Nike)

94%of the world’s population recognizes the logo

$3.3 billion of annual investment in marketing

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39 grams of sugar (about 10 teaspoons) in a Coke can

207 movies have “Coca-Cola” as one of their keywords in the IMBD movie database

2.8 million of Coca-Cola machines in the world. Stacked, they would have the same proportion as 4 Empire State buildings

300 thousand tons of aluminum spent just to produce cans for the North American market

+ Coca-Cola launches cans inspired by Marvel heroes

+ Is it possible to make soda at home?


1,843 boxes of small bottles sold in Brazil in 1942, the first year of Coke in the country

4th Coca-Cola Company’s largest operation in the world

13 business groups

46 manufacturing and distribution units

60 thousand direct collaborators

125 products

15 different coke packaging

22 mentions in Brazilian songs. It is the most mentioned brand in MPB, according to a study by publicist Evandro Piccino

SOURCES site The Coca-Cola Company, Coca-Cola Brazil, Financial Times, Business Insider and Folha Top of Mind 2013

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