Nothing that you lose weight? Find out which exercise burns the most calories and decide which one is best for you.
You, like us, surely you put on your list of promises for the new year to «lose weight» no matter what it takes” or at least “start exercising”… How are you doing with that?
Remember that one loses weight when the calories burned during the day exceed those consumed in food, so if your goal is to lose weight, keep in mind how many calories each exercise burns.
Find out how many calories you burn with 30 minutes of…
- Aerobics: 110
- Pilates: 95
- spinning: 270
- Dumbbells: 110
- Yoga: 95
- Zumba: 340
- steps: 250
- Walk (at a good pace): 120
also vibrates with: How much exercise do you burn off each fast food?
Eye, before starting to exercise like crazy, let yourself be advised by an expert trainer in physical activityhe can guide you correctly, avoiding putting your health at risk.
Madonna, Shakira and Jennifer Lopez’s trainer explains 4 exercises to reduce cellulite, here:
– Your heart Viiiiibra (@Vibra1049) October 7, 2015
Do you know someone who is struggling with calories and complains that exercise doesn’t «do» them? Share this note on your social networks, your friends and family who made the promise to lose weight this year will thank you.