How is the Virgo woman in love?

Feminine, sweet, charming… Even those who don’t know from the outset what her attributes could be in this field could dare to qualify her that way by intuition and they wouldn’t be wrong, because the Virgo woman in love is still an extension of herself. And as given as she is to giving herself completely to what she believes in, she will also do it for the person she trusts.

How is the Virgo woman in love?

We find ourselves before the delicate and widely known as «virginal» lady of the zodiac, but far from what one might think about the origin of this adjective, it has nothing to do with being distant or elusive in her most intimate relationships, much less, although in terms of innocence, it is true that the Virgo woman in love corresponds more to that image of her as a serene lady.

the one that is the most perfectionist of the 12 signs of the zodiacextrapolates that way of being to other areas of his day to day, because he loves to do things well, with care and care to offer the best of itself in each and every one of the plots of how much he cares. One of the characteristics of the Virgo woman in love is her ability to show multiple facets with which you can never get bored; his thing is an art that is made over a slow fire, with a capacity to always surprise and in a totally personalized way.

It is unique in that it pays attention to the smallest details that can give him information about the person he loves, and he uses them to seek situations that give him the maximum expectation first and with which to dazzle his partner later. That said, the Virgo woman in love is unique.

Virgo in their relationships

Let us remind you that the Virgo woman in love is not a woman to use. In the same way that her ability to conquer is careful and careful, she also expects something like that when it comes to being conquered.. She loves the little knowing winks that indicate that she has been listening to her, that she is being observed and that her tastes are appreciated. She loves to discover that someone has been noticing everything that steals her attention and she lets him know with great subtlety.

Although the charming Virgo woman in love usually measures her first steps very carefully, because let’s not forget that she is an earth sign that really values ​​stability, and he is not going to put his serene emotional universe at risk for someone who is not going to give him the satisfaction he is looking for. For that reason, she is given to not expressing anything during the beginning of her fascination with someone, since she prefers to observe and weigh her chances that her attempt to approach her will go well before launching into the attack.

Because she cannot leave behind something that is also part of her, and it is her practical sense that imposes everything: The only place in his idea about taking risks is to find the possibility of winning. And as for his way of taking care of the relationship once it has been consolidated, we can already assure you that he will do it with tremendous care, that he will strive to do the best he can and to make his partner feel that there will be no one in the world. that I love him as she loves him.

This does not mean that she becomes the maximum expressiveness of her love for you, with an unusual intensity. It is not in her nature to be like this. But yeah he has the ability to let the person he’s next to know that he wouldn’t change it for the world. And it is that how much the Virgo woman commits herself in her love for her partner, very few would equal it.

How should he be the one who conquers the heart of the Virgo woman?

There should be a great affinity in the way of understanding and looking at life, in their way of ordering the values ​​by which they are governed as well as in terms of rhythms. Think that the Virgo woman in love is one of those who simmer her moments, and impulsive precipitation does not go with her.

In fact, it would clash with her character by completely destabilizing her. He values ​​temperance of character, although he does not like passivity as an attitude: One thing is to be cautious before making an important move and another not to have initiative. no, her too she likes to feel seduced and surprised with the same subtlety that she uses for her conquests. And she is not satisfied with doing it once and she’s done.

The Virgo woman in love must be kept interested, on edge, hoping that, at any moment, they can captivate her again, when she least expects it (but most wants it). She looks for intelligence, although not pedantry; he wants someone with whom he can share moments of stimulating conversation, although he does not need inexhaustible talks. Value the right words that have the capacity to move, said as a promise that «the best is yet to come.»

And last but not least (because, in fact, it is something that is of vital importance to her, precisely because of how much she values ​​her stability, also emotionally): Want someone who wants to stay. Someone who next to him does not yearn to search for anything else, anything better, but not because he is a conformist without aspirations, but because he values ​​everything that she selflessly puts at his disposal… and feels fulfilled.

But how could the Virgo woman in love not ask for all this? If she is the first to unconditionally give the best of herself to the relationship. And what is she? Well, herself!, neither more nor less. To 100%.