How is the Aquarius woman in love?

Those born under this air sign are often seen as unpredictable people and contradictory. And the reality is that some of it does exist, since the Aquarius woman in love tends to be more friendly than passionate, even when a rapprochement with the person she is in love with has already taken place.

How is the Aquarius woman in Love?

The basis of this way of acting is in its essence, since this ethereal woman has a great social awareness and the world in which she livesshowing disinterested in general and also in a matter of attachments.

With which, when it comes to giving herself to others, she is truly unique, moved by absolute solidarity, unlimited generosity and her desire to please everyone. The perfect combo to win the hearts of the masses. However, she is not so given to dedicating her exclusive company to anyone in particular.

Think that the Aquarius woman in love also feels like in any other part of her life, like the authentic free spirit that she is. And precisely for this reason she tends to be so inclined to give herself in a general way to the people around her (at the level of friendly affection), and less likely to commit to only one person.

He has a creativity, an imagination without limits, since his open mind allows him to see beyond what most allow themselves. She can sometimes be seen as a somewhat eccentric and misunderstood woman, however she does is respectful of the differences of others.

Her way of understanding life, her capacity for reflection and how empathetic she can be towards the emotions experienced by others, make her the soul of the group of friends, the star that shines with its own light in a very special way. above other people. And not because she is self-centered and needs attention: His thing is a matter of aura, and he shines in a unique way, even without meaning to.

Your personal relationships… and also as a couple

Let’s put the starting point in which we are before one of the most loving zodiac signs of freedom and protecting their own space. Hence, it is prone to mistrust about the sentimental commitments that arise in relationships. He usually stays with the romances that arise from the discovery of someone special and let go rather than get closer to the moment of establishing a relationship as such.

Following the line of her way of being, the Aquarius woman in love seduces slowly, effortlessly, but hypnotically and magnetically. Because in reality what happens is that he does not do it intentionally, except on those occasions when he does decide to bet on someone…

Due to his way of being so intuitive, he has a great facility for detecting those peculiarities that make all people unique, and when he discovers something that touches the fibril in a man, it is usually the beginning of one of those adventures in which he is not so important how far the matter will go as the fact that live every moment of knowing him in a magical way.

But woe to him who turns out to be a fraud for the Aquarius woman in love! Because she does not accept that they try to conquer her at any price. If she discovers that this man has sold her a way of being that is not really true, does not give second chances; you can feel really outraged and move on with him, but forever.

Who would the Aquarius woman bet heavily on?

Although in principle, the Aquarius woman in love does not think so much about forming a couple as about her preference for relating openly with everyone in general, when you get carried away by your intuitions (those that warn her that she has a very special man before her), He usually bets on the person who really makes him vibrate.

But, how should that man be so that he awakens in her that desire to conquer him? Well the more similar to her, the better. For this reason, couples formed between two Aquarius are usually very compatible, since they are so peculiar in their way of understanding life and relationships, that it would greatly facilitate the connection between them.

For the same reason, the free spirit of a Sagittarius man would also be a great accomplice in adventures, as respectful of her personal space as she herself would be with his. On a communicative level, men born under the same element as her, air, in this case Gemini and Libra, could also form a sufficiently stable couple with her due to her mutual openness.

In any case, unlike most zodiac signs, the Aquarius woman is so clear about her freedom, the integrity of her purest essence and her desire to give the best of herself to the more people the better… I would give up losing a little of any of those things in favor of a relationship in which 1+1 is much more than 2. But knowing that his bets are firm, rest assured that for whoever does it, it will be worth it.