How is a cockfight performed?

Although it has been banned in Brazil since 1998, the practice continues underground. All you need is a fighting breed of roosters, the ring (a kind of ring), the judge and the punters. The tradition is old: the first records, found in India, are from the year 1400 BC. Culture gained strength in ancient Greece, by stimulating the fighting spirit of warriors. From there, it spread throughout Europe and then throughout the world, through the colonizers. It came to Brazil in the 17th century with the Spaniards, and gained fans. In 1961, it was banned by then President Jânio Quadros. A year later, it became legal again by order of Tancredo Neves. And in 1998 it was considered an environmental crime. USA, Argentina and England, among other countries, also prohibit cockfighting.

Kill or die

From an early age, roosters are trained to fearlessly face their opponent.

types of rooster

They are of the species Gallus gallus, which are more wild and skittish. The main variations used in fighting are: shamo (Japanese), which has a more resistant neck and strong blows; aseel (Indian), brave and resistant; and bankivas (Spanish and English), which are lighter in flight and have more abundant feathers


The diet must include proteins and cereals. On the menu: corn, barley, sunflower, vegetables and lots of water, in addition to vitamin and mineral supplements with amino acids, which improve the bird’s performance in daily training – which begins when the rooster completes 12 months of age and intensifies until the day of fight


It’s not a rule, but many breeders tend to trim the roosters’ feathers, especially when fights take place in very hot places. It is common to clip the feathers on the underbelly, on the outside of the thigh and on the inside of the wings. According to the breeders, shaving facilitates massage and parasite control.


There are two types of bets: the central one, made between the owners of the roosters, and the peripheral one, made between the punters. Generally, the central bet is closed before the fight, while spectators can bet each other during the fight. There is no type of document to validate the agreement, the bet is sealed through gestures and shouts


It is the highest authority of the rinha. It is your duty to analyze the roosters, control the time of the fights and define the winner and loser. The judge also defines the rounds, which always vary between fights. The fight can be two rounds – with 20 and 25 minutes, respectively – or three rounds, totaling 55 minutes – the first two with 20 minutes and the last with 15 minutes


Roosters also have accessories: the toecap, a false metal beak that is placed over the natural beak as protection, and the spurs, which are 2.5 cm long and serve as weapons. Made of plastic, they are attached to the rooster’s natural spurs, usually with adhesive tape.


Also called a rinha, it does not have a defined format: it can be square, octagonal, hexagonal or circular. They are made according to the land and conditions of the owners. The most sophisticated ones have two arenas: the biggest one is called the drum and is where the main fights take place; the smallest, known as rebolo, is home to the toughest fights

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EnrollmentIt is done in order of arrival. The roosters are measured and weighed by the ring committee, which places a ring (an identification bracelet) on the bird’s ankle. The information is entered into a computer program that pairs the roosters. Thus the fight rolls between birds of the same size and weight. With the fights defined, the owners of the roosters agree on the price of the fight


In the knockout, the judge opens a time count. If the bird doesn’t get up within 10 seconds, he loses the fight. The fight can be stopped if the judge notices that one of the roosters is unable to continue – this is a technical knockout. If a rooster stops fighting, he loses by forfeit. The tie occurs when there is no decision in the regular time of the fight

techno rooster

In Thailand the fights are more sophisticated. Roosters use sensors on their feet, sending signals to a panel that electronically counts the points.

• With the illegality, organizing makeshift fights in barns is common. The frame is temporary and can be removed quickly

• The entry fee for a rooster in a cockfight can range from R$100 to R$500

• After each exercise session, the bird is massaged with lotions

• The spurs are provided by the ring itself, so that the birds fight with the same weapons

• In the knockout, the trainer can help revive the rooster during the count


Rooster preparation can last from 30 to 90 days, depending on the yield. The workout basically includes three exercises:


With its wing beats, the rooster works its pectoral muscles and increases its breathing capacity.

RunThe turntable works the thigh muscles. Rotation gradually increases

To jump

Propelling the rooster upwards exercises the wings and thigh. Jump height increases according to evolution

Source – Eduardo Augusto Seixas, president of the Association of Breeders and Exhibitors of Fighting Breeds of São Paulo (ACERCSP);; Tadeu de Lima, author of the blog