How has the girl in «My First Kiss» changed?

do you remember the movie My first kiss? Well, we show you what the girl who starred in it looks like today; She is already a woman!

The 90s of the last century had just started when it was released the movie My first kiss (my gilr), did you see her? Surely yes; if you didn’t see it in the movies, maybe you did it on television, because they still show it on national channels. It tells the story of a couple of 11-year-old friends who lived in the suburbs of an American city during the 1970s, and lived through a melancholy childhood love story.

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The protagonists were Macaulay Culkin (known for the tape My poor angel) and Anna Chlumsky. Much has been said about the unfortunate path that this child actor’s life took, who ended up on drugs, but little is said about the girl and her career.

It’s been 27 years since this actress starred in My first kiss, how has he changed physically? Today, at 37 years old, looks great. She is married and eventually has one or two roles on television or in independent films.

Look how the girl has changed My first kiss

If you meet her on the street, would you recognize her? It seems to us that it is the same. Write what you think in the comments of this note.

also vibrates with: #BeforeAndAfter Daniela and James break the nets

And share it on your social networksyour friends, friends and family will like to see how this actress has changed.

#RecommendedVibra –> Look at the #before and after of the actress who played Marisol Luna in the children’s telenovela «Vivan los niños», here… ->

– Your heart Viiiiibra (@Vibra1049) July 13, 2018