How does the first therapy session work? – Online Psychologists

Although going to the psychologist has numerous benefits, taking the first step is not always easy. first therapy session It raises many questions. Questions that are either resolved when the person decides to try their luck with the psychologist, or remain unanswered.

If the reason you are hesitant to seek professional help is because of doubts related to the first therapy session, don't despair. In this article we will give you all the answers you need.

What is the purpose of the first therapy session?

During the first therapy session, the psychologist must ensure that everyone involved is clear about what the process involves. If the patient is not clear about his or her role and the psychologist's role, he or she will most likely not benefit from the sessions.

Therefore, it is necessary to explain to the student what method will be used, what benefits the selected model has and what the duties of each person are. In short, the objectives of this first session are:

  • Briefly introduce the type of therapy used. The most common is the cognitive-behavioral model.
  • Trigger report or, what is the same, a good connection between patient and therapist. Trust is essential.
  • Know and correct, if necessary, what the patient expects from therapy. It must be taken into account that Psychology works, but it requires time and work on both sides.
  • Obtain and provide information to the patient about what is happening to him/her.
  • Let him know that his problems have a solution.

What are its parts?

The session begins by briefly explaining to the patient what the model to be used consists of. This is generally, cognitive behavioral therapy, which consists of helping the patient to modify both their thoughts and their way of acting.

In addition, it is advisable to explain the general structure of the therapy and how the sessions usually evolve.

  • Mood control

This part can be done by two methods:

  • Through tests or questionnaires in which the patient rates their mood and indicates the statements with which they identify.
  • Asking him to tell orally which has led you to request an appointment with a psychologist. You may also be asked to rate your mood from 1 to 100.
  • Analysis of problems and setting of objectives

In this part of the first therapy session andThe patient describes in detail the problem(s) that has brought him to this point. The story should focus on both the general problem and the specific inconveniences that hinder his well-being.

Meanwhile, the therapist analyzes the problem and shapes the goals of therapy.

  • Information on the cognitive-behavioral model

It is necessary for the patient to understand what the cognitive-behavioral model consists of. This type of therapy considers that people act according to mental patterns that we have learned throughout life.

Therefore, the solution to the patient's problems is to change their way of thinking. To do this, you will need to train yourself to think positively. By changing the way you think, you will be able to change the way you act.

If you want to try this type of therapy, do not hesitate to put yourself in the hands of an online psychologist.

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Learn to think positively and take care of your mental health with the professional help of a psychologist.

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  • Information about the disorder

In this first session the therapist makes initial contact with the patient's problem. However, it is advisable, at first, not to use categorical concepts such as «disorder…» or depression and give a more general explanation.

  • Homework and end of the first therapy session

At the end of the first therapy session the therapist makes a brief summary of what was discussed and gives the patient homework.

At we have been helping patients from all over the world find their well-being since 2012. We were pioneers in offering online therapy and that is why we know that it is an economical, but equally effective, alternative to traditional therapies.

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