How does Marbella look without makeup? Instagram has the answer

A photo of Marbelle without makeup was leaked on networks, and the controversy ignited! Does it look good or bad? Look and decide for yourself.

From time to time, the celebrities of the Creole and international show business publish photos in their social networks in which they appear without makeup; They do this as a way to show their followers that they have natural beauty.

However, not all cases are the same. Sometimes what happens is that photographs of these celebrities with their faces washed are leaked to the media or networks and, since they are not under their control, they may not favor them much. That, precisely, it was the case of Marbella.

How does Marbella look without makeup? Look at the photos and compare…

Recently, a casual image taken of the singer during an event dedicated to pets was leaked on social networks. In the photo, the queen of the tecnorailera appears with her natural facewithout a single drop of makeup.

In the publication, made by the Instagram user juanmartinhr, many Internet users commented on the appearance of the now television presenter. Some said that she looked better without makeup and others that she didn’t. What do you think?

How does Marbelle look better, with or without makeup? Write what you think in the comments of this note, and share it on your social networks! Your friends and family will like to see this.