How does it shape your personality and your life?

Women born with Venus in Virgo are especially gifted with the ability to look introspectively at observe its defects, to assimilate them all and to try to transform them into advantages.

Thus, a path of self-perfection begins when this woman begins to realize her great potential. She is, in this sense, a humble individual who knows the true value of knowledge, of learning, and never rises to the top of the world.

The woman with Venus in Virgo in a nutshell

– Positive: Presentable and selective.

– Negative: Confused and obsessive.

– Soulmate: Someone who will help you see the big picture.

– Life lesson: Be kinder and more understanding with those close to you.

Pay attention to the details that make up the big picture, and with a meticulousness only found in the sign of the Virgo, manages to find the perfect match for her, someone who complements this desire to be better.

| Canva: Rattanakun

She is a very simple woman

The Venus in Virgo woman is known to be a highly respected and dignified individual who never lowers herself in society.who acts with certain principles, with the air of a tall and powerful person.

As sanctimonious as she may be in some respect, you don’t even know what lies beyond that social mask, and how she can transform when she’s in private. Intimately, she can be very loving, affectionate, and very lascivious, in a very sexual way. Usually, she shows her compassion and interest in her partner by paying attention to every detailto what you like, to your dreams and desires.

There’s a problem in your relationship that keeps making your life a miserable hell, or something close to that anyway. Her partner doesn’t know what to do to please her because her tastes are somewhat mysterious.

In reality, she is a very simple woman with simple and natural tastes who wants nothing more than to be cared for, to be shown a lot of affection and love. However, because she keeps arguing and fussing about everything, this often gets very confusing. I should stop analyzing the little things from time to time, take a step back, and look at the big picture. That would help a lot.

| Zakharov

The woman born with Venus in Virgo is very careful when choosing her partner. She looks at every detail, her personality, her character, the way she reacts to emotional turmoil, what her dreams and aspirations are.

She is very selective and does not compromise so easily. She is not a pure maiden who wants to die a virgin despite her name, but she wants to be sure that her feelings are directed to the right person.

Safety and security matter a lot. Even from the beginning, she is very critical of herself and her partner. She denounces every flaw and tries to correct it because she is a perfectionist. Your own uncertainties and insecurities fuel this drive.

How are the natives of with Venus in Virgo in love?

On this path of perfectionism, the Venus of the Virgo woman polishes her character to be as efficient and productive as possible. She works on her own emotional instability, emphasizing reason, logic, order in everything she does, and the structural integrity of her plans.

He is a very honest and direct person., who gives everything for the things he considers important. romantically, he loves to attend to the needs of his partnerpaying attention to the smallest details, showing great enthusiasm and vitality at the same time. Solves problems, he loves to chat, and it will be there when you need it.

| John Moyano

Of course, the way you go your own way isn’t always beneficial to your own development or your social connections. Tends to focus too much on small detailsand delve into those aspects for an eternity, forgetting the big picture, and all other images in general.

If this wasn’t bad enough, you might even get to a point where you doubt your abilities so much that you consider yourself unworthy of a relationship, love, and understanding from your partner.

Ideally, your partner would be there to comfort and encourage you, to give you a piece of your mind, a brighter perspective on life. In return, she can be one of the most loyal and devoted loversalways thinking of your needs above all else, and trying to fulfill your deepest desires.

These women know exactly how to tell the difference between quality and cheap products, and they never fool themselves into buying something that isn’t worth the bag it’s in.

Their analytical and critical skills are above the norm, and they have a deep understanding of what quality means. Even in their relationships, they know exactly what they are looking for, and they will immediately try to weed out all the awkward stuff.

They want a perfect relationshipand, whether out of a sense of perceived inferiority, some hidden uncertainties and anxietiesthey take all the flaws of their partner to a new level.

| pexels

The style of Venus in the Virgo woman

Venus in Vigo women praise themselves for being very adaptable to social norms, and incredibly understanding, tolerant of their friends and acquaintances. Despite their harsh realism and robotic materialism, they can also be very feminine. Very kind and generous with their friends.

A pure and untouched maiden touched by the rays of the sun, shining resplendent. Mortals don’t even have the audacity and strength to set her gaze on her. Her clothes are carefully chosen among the most expensive and refined, because they want their appearance to be impeccable and elegantso that the idea of ​​cleanliness and dignity spreads.

Exposing clothing does not fit your personality well, and even less so clothing that is too colorful. Instead, they prefer classic suits, the kind that inspire a sense of respect, trust, even modesty in some sense.