How do you know if you are stressed?

The amount of things we have to do on a daily basis and the pace of life we ​​lead can lead us to a state of very high stress. However, our body gives us clues about this state and we can act in time.

What is stress?

He stress It is the reaction that our body has to the overload of work or things that we have to do or have in our heads. In a certain way, stress is positive because it allows us to react quickly to different situations. However, the overload of this sensation and what it entails can cause major problems in our physical and psychological health.

This feeling may be temporary in certain situations such as an exam or a work meeting, however, the overload of several planned activities, combining it with family life, studies, work, etc., may lead to very intense stress that is difficult to control.

Why do I get stressed?

He stress, As we have said, it depends on the situation or the amount of things we are going to do. And you may not be aware of how stressed you are and your body is giving you a clue. Or, on the contrary, you may be aware that you are stressed, but you are not willing, do not want or cannot slow down your pace of life or take the rest that your body is asking for.

Nowadays there are factors that also affect this feeling of stress, such as be constantly aware of other things instead of focusing on what you are doing at that moment. In this way you will not make progress on either of the two, but instead you will be worried about both, dedicating your time to finishing one thing so you can start and finish another. Organization and concentration will be very important to reduce it.

Other factors such as the phone, computer or social networks They can also take away your free time, which instead of being used to rest properly, you spend time surfing. Something negative if your body is asking for the opposite.

People who suffer from stress do so because they are unable to manage their emotions in time or in an appropriate manner in order to be able to control and anticipate the situation. This may be because things are too much for them, that is, you may have accepted a very ambitious project but you don't have much idea of ​​how to organize it and work in the best way, but you are enthusiastic about it. Or because you don't know how to control a situation, you have to do many things and you don't know how to organize yourself properly, etc.

How do I know I'm stressed?

Stress is a feeling of tension and nervousness that our body and mind give us clues about through physical and psychological symptoms.

  • Sleep problems. Not sleeping well is one of the most common symptoms of stress. Not getting enough rest can cause problems that you will carry around all day and that will affect your performance.
  • Muscle painBack and neck pain are very normal due to the tension you have caused by stress. It can also cause jaw pain derived from bruxism.
  • Fatigue. You tend to be tired in your daily life even if you stay active. And despite being tired, you are not able to rest well.
  • Hair lossHair loss is normal to a certain extent. But it can also be related to the onset of stress and cause excessive hair loss.
  • HeadacheYou may not be aware that the reason for your headache is due to the stress you are experiencing, because you are not aware of your own stress either. Mild pains but also more severe ones and even migraines will also be common.
  • Sweat. Continuous sweating is a response to the nervousness we feel.
  • Nervousness.
  • You have a hard time making decisionsWhat clothes to wear, what to eat, what color sweatshirt you like best… Easy decisions can become difficult when you are under the pressure of stress.
  • You become an irritable personStress is a feeling that you cannot control and it can alter your mood because you do not control the situation or yourself, and therefore, your feelings. Bad answers, bad attitude, all of this may be a reaction to stress, but you must also be aware of your behaviors, accept them and know how to ask for forgiveness.
  • You eat more or lessWhen we are stressed we tend to try to satisfy that feeling with food, or on the contrary, the great feeling of stress causes your stomach to close, you cannot eat anything or you do not feel like eating.
  • Loss of interest. This feeling may make you lose enthusiasm for hobbies or things that you used to enjoy a lot and always liked to do, but you no longer enjoy them in the same way.
  • You have trouble concentrating. You are not able to concentrate or perform as usual or optimally. For example, if you are studying for an exam and the material is very difficult or you are short on time, you may become stressed and not study as well as you normally would.

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What can I do to avoid stress?

Stress can arise as a response to different situations and there are certain techniques or tips that you can carry out to avoid it.

  • Get organized. Good organization will be very effective and positive in avoiding stress. Plan your daily routine or the tasks you have to do to be calmer. For example, when studying.
  • Set some goals. Daily, weekly or monthly goals, this will be another way of organizing. You may not want to or a daily calendar may not suit you because you find it difficult to keep to schedules, set yourself some goals that you must do during the day and even if you don't do it at a set time, take advantage of the best time of day you have to do it.
  • Identify it. Knowing how to see that you are stressed, or better yet, knowing how to anticipate stress.
  • RestIt is important to rest to reduce stress, but it is also important to know when to rest and to do it well. An effective rest or effectively disconnecting is what can really help you to be calm for the rest of your day.
  • Breathing techniquesIt is important to know how to anticipate stress and breathing techniques are very effective.
  • Go to therapy. Therapy with a psychology professional will be the best way to learn to manage and anticipate stress.

💥Debunking myths about stress:

➡️In all psychological disorders there are primary and secondary symptoms.
Secondary symptoms are not usually taken into account, but they are the first sign that we need to seek therapy.#stress #myths #symptomsofstress

— siquia | psychologists (@siquiacom) May 13, 2021

How does psychological therapy help me?

The psychological therapy This will be the best option to deal with your problem and be able to resolve it in the best way. During the session you should have enough freedom and confidence to open up and tell how you feel without being judged. This will be the way in which the psychologist will be able to help you. Each person is different and their case is different too, therefore, they will have to adjust a treatment to you personally and with a way of working adapted to your pace of recovery process.

He psychologist will not give you the solution to stress, but together you will work continuously so that you are the one who learns to know how to identify, accept and manage emotions. Also, in therapy you will be able to work on self-confidence, a very important factor in avoiding stress.

It will also be very important work on yourselfto be able to identify and anticipate stress, you must know yourself very well. In addition, working on self-love will also be beneficial not only for the vision you have of yourself, increasing your confidence and attitude, but also to be able to prioritize your well-being in difficult situations that may harm you.

In Psychia We have a team of psychologists who can help you, more than 1600 people have already contacted us. In addition, our online modality means that you do not have to waste time traveling from one place to another, but you can connect from anywhere. Call and make an appointment for a session online therapythe First briefing is free.