How do I know my parents are getting divorced: 10 signs that tell you so – Online Psychologists

The divorce of parents is one of the worst experiences that someone can suffer, both for themselves and for their children.

Seeing that your parents are getting divorced and you can't do anything is quite a challenge, because the last thing we want is for this not to happen. As a result, we try not to see it. We sense it, but out of fear of facing reality we act as if everything were the same as always.

This It's not all good Because when that blindfold is removed from our eyes and everything happens, if we were not prepared we will suffer much more.

We will have to facing many new emotionsadapt to a different lifestyle and even put up with their arguments and conflicts.

For this reason, The best thing is to pay attention to their behavior and be able to understand what is happening to them. This way, we can prepare ourselves psychologically and when the time comes it won't affect us as much.

Lean on family and friends and be flexiblethis will help you so that this bad streak does not consume you from within. Even though now everything seems very black, things will get better when you least expect it.

10 signs that indicate that you are going to divorce

As we have already mentioned, It's never easy to find out that your parents are getting divorced.especially because we turn a blind eye to reality. However, All the events that occur are small pieces of evidence that advance what will happen later. This is what it's like when parents get divorced.

Notice that one of the two members is uncomfortable and if it has been like this for a long time it could be a sign. It's something that didn't happen before, but now it does. We're talking about months like that, not a week or a few days because of a tantrum.

It shows in their faces and in the discomfort they express when doing typical everyday tasks. They will give themselves away and even if they tell you that nothing is happening, they will unconsciously give themselves away.

2. You fight over the smallest thing

Time moves forward and Those gestures that once resulted in discomfort have now turned into fights and shouts. The situation is beginning to become unbearable.

They argue over the smallest, meaningless thing, over things they never argued about before.

3. Small signs of infidelity

Each member starts going out, making new friends and coming home late.. He goes out with people that nobody knows who they are or frequently meets with a specific person.

You may even hear: “Who is she/he?”

This is one of the clearest signs that they are going to get divorced. When they take the step of each one living their own life, there is no turning back.

4. Contradictions between the two

Your parents no longer agree on anything, they are irascible and They never want to agree with the other. Your father says white and your mother says black, and so on.

These small contradictions that are always present are what lead to ending the marriage.

5. They don't give each other any kind of affection

Despite all the years they've been together, you used to see your parents hugging each other, showing affection to each other, or holding hands. They were all faces of happiness and strong love among them.

Now everything has changed. They wake up and don't even say hello, They don't wait for each other to have breakfast or lunch and they don't do things together.

It's obvious that they don't love each other like they used to.

6. They don't spend time together anymore

They used to go out for dinner for their anniversary or make small details. Now they don't do any of that anymore, Each one goes on their own and they don't tell each other where they are going or with whom.

It seems that they are no longer a couple and that They are two strangers who have to live in the same house. They don't care about each other and they don't want to know anything.

There are many Relationships in which parents separate, but continue to live in the same house just for the childrenthat is, as a silent divorce. You have to pay attention to these details.

Another of the clearest signs is this. Your parents They no longer sleep in the same bed As always, one of them goes to the couch or another room and They don't give you any clear explanation.

9. One of them threatens to leave home

It may be that in one of those long discussions you have heard that one of the two is leaving home. If it is the first time he says it and there are no other signs, he probably said it because he was angry, But if there are some of the above signs, it may be another sign that they are going to divorce.

10. You have been told about a supposed divorce

They haven't told you anything yet, but They start talking to you about what you should do if two people no longer love each other or what life would be like without the other person. They are getting ahead of you so that you can get an idea and they can observe your reaction.

Tips for dealing with your parents' divorce

After finding out that your parents are getting divorced you are probably devastated and don't know how to act. However, below we show you 6 tips that you should keep in mind in this situation:

You have to know that It's not your faultIf your parents are going to get divorced, it is because of problems they have between them or because they no longer love each other, not because of something you have done.

At this stage You may be angry, sad, frustrated, or even happy. Don't blame yourself for your emotions, you're going through a bad patch and your feelings are running high.

  • Talk to your friends and family

Go to those trustworthy people who can help you, even some of them may have gone through something similar. If you have a brother or sister, lean on them since they are in the same situation as you.

Although it may sound contradictory, it is important for your parents to know your feelings and emotions. They can also help you.

  • Seek professional help

Your parents' divorce is a difficult and traumatic experience. Sometimes, talking to friends or family alone is not enough and you need to turn to a professional. A psychologist will help you overcome this difficult stage.

  • Find new ways to cope with stress

Can writing a diary, doing sports or other activities and hanging out with friends to cope with the stress that arises in such a complicated situation.

If you are going through this same situation or a similar one, our psychologists at will help you.

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