How do I know if they envy me? These are the keys

If you are one of those who wonder how to know if they envy me Whether it’s because of the way you are, because of your success or the admiration you arouse, this note is for you. Please read carefully.

Have you ever wondered if Do your co-workers envy you? At any time in our lives we have felt envy and we have also generated it in others and we justify it with the phrase «good envy», in the end it is the same feeling.

You also have to take into account that some people are not so obvious, that is why we want to illustrate those signs that you must take into account with the people around you… You may even need an energetic cleaning with salt to free yourself from the bad vibes of your haters:

How to know that they envy me

Envy is a snake crawling in the grass, or so the conventional wisdom goes. It hides so it becomes difficult to detect unlike other obvious emotions, such as anger.

And just like the snake metaphor, envy comes from people close to us. It can come from friends, co-workers or even family, take note!

1. False praise

Envious people persecute you with false praise and insincere compliments. One thing envious people want is to let others know that they do NOT in fact envy you.

Therefore, when good news comes your way, they do the safe thing by acting supportive and giving false lip service. They then roll their eyes dismissively once they are safe.

2. They minimize your achievements

The biggest concern of envious people is when the object of their jealousy continues to be your success.

When this happens, they want to make themselves feel better by minimizing your success by associating it with things other than your abilities. So it’s typical for them to say things like «He got that promotion because he messed with the manager.» They refuse to admit that you are actually better than them.

3. They brag about their successes

They flaunt their successes more than their actual merit. While you bask in humble silence, an envious person tries to make himself feel better by drowning himself in praise by over-emphasizing his own achievements even though they pale in comparison to yours.

4. A surefire sign of how to detect a person’s envy is that they give you bad advice.

Not wanting you to add more to your achievement hall, they deliberately sabotage your attempts by giving you bad advice or simply discourage you from trying. Remember, what they want in life is for you to fail.

5. The haters imitate you

The haters want what you have. For them, it’s like a game of «who did better» and so they want to imitate you in various ways. If you’re the pretty one getting all the admiration, they mimic your fashion style and add her little flair to it. If you are a good photographer, they take up photography and join the competitions as well.

It actually seems like a good thing if they compete with you like this, but just their attempt is difficult for them. Chances are they don’t even like the things they imitate you with.

6. They are competitive

As we mentioned, it is the nature of an envious person to outdo you in every way when it comes to stealing the glory they think you don’t deserve. As a result, they are very competitive, especially if the envious person is in the workplace. They will go to great lengths to exceed your efforts, even if it is not necessary, simply to show off that they are better.

7. The envious criticize you

Have you ever met a person who just throws criticism at you every chance they get? It is very likely that the person harbors envy towards you.

The average person drops some criticism at some point, but envious people make a career out of pointing out your mistakes every second of the day and at the most inopportune time.

8. They celebrate your failures

Of course, they won’t get into a victory dance when your boss berates you for a mistake, but count on it, deep down they celebrate your failures.

First, they’ll be in an unusually good mood after your failure, and then they’ll have the guts to be friendly and exercise false comfort just to savor their perceived «victory» over you.

9. They are absent in your successes

The last thing such a person wants is to be present at a meeting celebrating someone else’s success. Not only does it make them feel uncomfortable, it also increases their sense of insecurity.

Therefore, this person will either avoid moments like this or just be dodgy when you have the opportunity to ask them to participate.

10. They talk behind your back

The haters are called «snakes in the grass» for a reason. While they are non-confrontational and can become friendly, they fight their battle against you.

One of these is talking behind your back. They may spread gossip, downplay your accomplishments, or just talk trash about you behind your back.

11. They humiliate you

They take every opportunity they can to minimize your achievements or criticize you. One way to combine both is to humiliate yourself in front of others.

What do they get out of this? First, they cement your position as the superior person, and second, they lower your credibility by doing this in front of others. It’s a win-win situation for them.

12. And the last sign to know if someone is envious of you: They hate you for no reason.

Let’s admit it. The envious will not admit that they are envious of you because it increases their insecurity. And for this fact, they hate you in every way and show this hatred in any way possible. Even if it doesn’t make sense at all.

How do I know if my boss is jealous of me?

It is important to know that there are certain keys to solve conflicts in the office, even when your boss pulls you in and feels you’re a threat. Envy is nothing more than a slow poison that corrodes relationships. As such, it should be avoided along with people who harbor this emotion. Its two-sided nature makes it difficult to recognize at first, so learn to see if someone envies you.

How do I know if I’m envious?

If you have one or more of these signs in your life in the face of the existence or closeness of a person in your life, be careful. Envy flourishes in the least unexpected relationships. So that envy does not come into your life, maintain good interpersonal relationships with those around you, work and focus on your goals and accomplish them with your own resources.

So that now you do generate envy in your work, university or group of friends, we teach you how to prepare the best masks with honey that are suitable for all skin types, Share them on your social networks!

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