How do I know if my Spell is working?

It is difficult to say exactly what the signs are, because in all cases they are different.

What happens to one person will not necessarily happen to another. It depends on the circumstances and the people involved.

However, what I am going to explain to you is what most people experience, based on hundreds of messages and comments shared over many years with readers and friends.

And this, without a doubt, will give you a powerful idea to know if your spell is working.

What is the first effect to know if a Spell is working?

The most common main effect of any spell is a feeling of happiness 😃

This will usually appear from the moment the spell has been completed, and can last for days or even weeks.

Do you not perceive changes in your emotional state and happiness? A bad symptom indicating that the spell is not taking effect

If you don’t feel this at all, my experience tells me that you may not be making the most effective Spell for your personal situation. Another reason may be the existence of knots, or obstacles, or the presence of energy attacks.

Thus, it may be interesting for you to cast the powerful Enemy Protection Spell 🔒

Also, and related to the previous point, I must tell you that on many occasions, you will perceive the state of happiness and well-being when a third person has cast a Spell on you.

It could be your partner, your mother, a sister, etc.

Obviously, we speak of White Magic and Spells of LIGHT in all cases.

For example, Sofía told me that after performing the effective Spell to get a job on her husband, she perceived, clearly, not only that her job improved (getting the increase in salary that she so longed for), but that she was happy, she woke up with a smile and felt again that she was with the man she married 15 years ago 💓

What other changes should we expect when a Spell is working?

As for the powerful Love Spells (such as the recently published Zodiac Sign Love Spell), we should point out that they have their own effects.

Thus, many of the rituals are conjured so that a certain person falls in love with you, make them think of you or simply facilitate the appearance of True Love in your life.


ATTENTION! Before performing a LOVE Spell, I advise you to read the basic TIPS so that your LOVE Spell works.

It is very likely that you will begin to notice that your LOVE Spell has worked when, surprisingly enough, Love appears in your life.

If you have asked him to come back into your life, it is very likely that you think about it more than usual. Or if you have asked the Universe for True Love to appear in your life, do not be surprised if you begin to feel infatuated and enveloped in an aura of love and well-being.

Thus, if you are feeling more intense emotions and cannot get the person out of your thoughts, then the spell is most likely having the same effect on both 👫

Coincidences: essential to know if a Spell is working

Coincidences are also a very common sign that the spell is working as intended.

For example, in love spells, you may receive an email or a call from a friend that may seem like a coincidence. However, I must tell you that it is very likely that the first shoots of your White Magic are there 🍀

And the thing is, I must tell you something, I don’t believe in coincidences for no reason. All of these things are signs and messages, and it is important to pay attention and take them seriously.

The more you can recognize matches, the more messages you will receive.

It will not be difficult if you are very intuitive to be able to perceive messages in dreams, or even in songs and television programs. There will also be casual encounters on the street. Or he will send you a message that you did NOT expect at all.

All of these are signs that make you see that the Spell IS working properly.

💰 How to know if a Money or Job Spell is working?

In this sense there is a fundamental clue, both in the Spells to attract Money, and in the Spells to improve employment, the best sign in itself is to check how the changes are produced.

If you applied for a job, there is a good chance that someone will tell you that they need an employee at a certain store in your city. Or a person in charge of human resources from that company where you sent your curriculum vitae a few weeks ago will call you.

The signs will begin to come into your life with force! 📩

When it comes to money, many friends have told me that the first thing they have felt is a very renewed positive energy in their life.

For example, you may feel ideas and projects appear in your life 💡 A renewed ability to decide what is the best thing to do will also emerge.

It will even increase luck in betting, gambling, and investing.

However, the main characteristic that will make you see that a money spell is working perfectly is precisely the appearance of unexpected income in your life.

Donations, payments, money you had borrowed, prizes, finding it at your doorstep, etc.

And it is that, for years, I have compiled hundreds of examples and without a doubt this is the main effect that you will obtain.

When can you expect a Spell to start working?

The most common is that every Spell has a time in which it begins to perform the desired effect.

Thus, experience has made me see that the rituals of money and work are the ones that show their effects the fastest.

On the other hand, it is the love ones that take the longest.

For that reason, my advice is to always wait at least 20 to 30 days before repeating a spell.

🔎 Of course, remember to always read the instructions of the ritual and the detailed step by step, since some spells need more specific characteristics.

You have learned important points that happen when a Spell is working.

Remember to keep them in mind when you start your next White Magic action.

This way, you will have a clear answer when you ask yourself how I can tell if a spell is working.

Also, and this is important, become a FAN of the Spell Community on Facebook, to receive all the news directly on your wall.

And, of course, I hope to read your comments 📝 relating how you know if your spell is working and what tricks you have learned. Lots of energy for your White Magic actions ⭐⭐⭐!