As you may know, there are a few breeds of dog that fall into the list dog category — also commonly called attack dogs.
Such a breed shall der turkish shepherd dog kangal be. But how dangerous is a kangal? And: Is the Kangal aggressive?
We get to the bottom of these and other questions in our guide.
Is the Kangal aggressive?
First of all: Any dog can be aggressive – and that is when the upbringing was “designed” accordingly. So that applies also for the Kangal.
In addition, this breed is one of the very strong dogs by nature.
In fact, the Kangal here is said to be the unofficial list of the strongest dogs in the world to lead
Why is this important?
Because here already one unconsistent parenting can do some harm – and can then really turn the dog into a potential fighting machine.
As a very large and strong breed, the Kangal has almost automatically also a high bite force. However, that doesn’t mean that he actually uses them.
Then no dog will just attack like thatunless he was explicitly “brought up” to do so.
How dangerous is a Kangal?
In a way, the Kangal has a reputation for being dangerous. In fact, however, it is not classified as a dangerous breed – provided that the upbringing has been carried out accordingly.
The Kangal is a herding dog. Of course he has a strong protective instinctbut this does not automatically make him a dangerous four-legged friend.
In fact, this breed will be one very balanced and calm nature or temperament attested.
He is considered very independent breedwho with one very high self-confidence Is provided.
Which of course for the Kangal «Aggravating» is its size and power.
The former alone can be enough to trigger half a heart attack in passers-by. And especially when the Kangal runs towards the people.
Is the Kangal banned in Germany?
The Kangal is not forbidden in Germany. However, all experts advise against bringing this dog directly from Turkey to Germany.
Better is the Kangal obtainable from a breederwho is a member of the VDH – and therefore knows how this breed has to be brought up.
Experts also advise that you talk to the breeder before you move in to Kangal to maintain close contact.
Is a Kangal suitable as a family dog?
The clear answer to this question is: No. The Kangal is definitely not suitable as a family dog in the classic sense.
The Kangal is neither a Companion- another family dog. They have a pronounced protective instinct, which they can ideally live out with their own herd. A large property, with a garden, plenty of exercise and utilization is a must.
What do I have to consider before buying & acquiring a Kangal?
Before a Kangal moves in with you, you should pay close attention to a few points and think about them particularly well. These points include these:
- Upbringing
- suitability for keeping
- Costs tax and insurance / list dog
The Kangal needs one very consistent upbringing. As a puppy, he has to learn which of you two is the boss or the alpha animal.
That means for you: You have to have one Have a personality at least as strong as that of your potential new roommate.
any Uncertainties in dealing with this breed must not arise – because otherwise you’re not the only one with a problem.
But also other dogs and people that the Kangal crosses.
suitability for keeping
To a certain extent, the Kangal is one of the most undemanding breeds of dog there is – at least when it comes to husbandry.
In fact, this dog feels happiest when he spends the long, lovely day outside can.
That means for you and your attitude: You should have one very large garden or property have, which you can secure accordingly.
Good to know
So that your Kangal does not get the idea to explore the surrounding area, your garden should be surrounded by a steel fence be. And this one has one Height of at least 2 meters.
Costs for tax & insurance, key point: list dog
The Kangal is considered a list dog. Nevertheless, he finds himself in Germany only in the state of Hamburg on the list of potentially dangerous dogs. Here he falls into the category 2.
In Hesse again he will in the category 0 guided. This means that although it is considered a fighting dog, it is not listed as such.
You should still open the Kangal the possible costs Pay attention when it comes to dog tax and insurance.
Added to that Breeds that are considered list dogs, mean an additional tax. Here you can between €600 and €900 per year attack.
How high the dog tax fails, is again depending on the community, in which you live. The Dog Liability is beyond not mandatory in every state.
Whether you will also incur costs here again depends on where you live.
How dangerous is a Kangal? Is the Kangal aggressive? The following answer can be given to both questions:
A kangal is neither one nor the other. Provided he has someone at his side who knows how to handle him properly and keep him in a species-appropriate manner.
In fact, the Kangal only listed as a category 2 dog in one federal state.
And he falls into this category mainly because of his size and weight. However, this breed is not suitable as a family or companion dog.
With the right upbringing and species-appropriate socialization, however, you have found a friend for life in the Kangal who will not leave your side anytime soon.
Do you have a kangal? If so, what experiences have you had with him, especially in terms of upbringing and keeping? We’d love for you to share them with us in the comments!