How can you protect yourself from the evil eye?

It is believed that The evil eye brings bad luck and misfortune to the life of anyone to whom it is directed.

The evil eye is not a mystery.

It's something that happens to you during the day, at the mall or at work. The evil eye is a negative look that someone gives you out of envy or disgust for your progress or advancement.

I believe that preventing people from envying you or looking at you with the evil eye is impossible.

Everyone has the power to determine how they feel and act. However, there is something you can do, which is more important than anything else. What you can do is protect yourself from the evil eye.

The evil eye is not obvious. 90% of people who have the evil eye do not know it or recognize it. The reason is that the eye connects with the darkest corner of the soul of the one who looks at you negatively, and it is difficult for you to see into someone's mind, except if you are a psychic.

That is why you have to learn to protect yourself from the evil eye. I have identified five powerful ways to protect yourself from the evil eye and will discuss them in more detail in this article. By using one or more of these methods, you will never be affected by the evil eye.

How to protect yourself from the evil eye? 5 ways

Protecting yourself from the evil eye may be possible through the following methods:

1) Wear the evil eye bracelet

This is a powerful amulet that has been used for centuries. It is believed to carry divine power that protects the user from the negative effect of the gaze of the evil eye. The evil eye bracelet was seen as a sacred object in the past.

However, in modern times, several fashion companies have taken the image and turned it into a piece of jewelry. That's why Nowadays you can easily find an evil eye bracelet in a commercial store.

However, this does not negate the power of the evil eye bracelet. Although it is commonly found in jewelry stores, you can harness the power of the evil eye bracelet to your advantage.

It is believed that the evil eye bracelet return a negative look to anyone who looks at you with the evil eye .

In the Middle East, the evil eye bracelet is believed to represent the eyes of the gods, and it is believed that every time the evil eye bracelet looks at you, it brings fear to your heart if you have negative thoughts.

That is why you should have the evil eye bracelet with you.

The evil eye bracelet is a common way to fight the evil eye. This is a common way to ward off the evil eye, and as long as you have it in your hand, you will enjoy the protection of the universe against the negative gaze of jealousy and hatred.

The power of the evil eye bracelet will protect you from bad luck and misfortune .

However, you should have many evil eye bracelets with you.

The reason for this is that as long as the evil eye bracelet has absorbed enough negative energy from people's negative gaze, it will break.

Once this happens, you will be affected by the negative gaze of people around you if you do not have another bracelet in your hand. Therefore, It is advisable to have more than one bracelet with you for continuous protection.

With the evil eye bracelet you will protect yourself from being affected by the evil eye.

2) Prayer of protection

One of the powerful forces of the universe is prayer.

Every time you pray, the power of God is released in your favor . I maintain an attitude of prayer every time I wake up and when I go to bed. Every time you pray, you are allowing the universe to act on your behalf.

The evil eye is an act of evil spirits. Therefore, with prayer, you can ward off all evil spirits around you. The evil eye of envious people will bring bad luck to your life if you do not protect yourself from it.

Therefore, if you do not believe in wearing the evil eye bracelet, then you should offer prayers of protection against enemies. The prayer for protection against enemies is effective. With this prayer, your guardian angel is released and you will see the effect instantly.

The prayer for protection against enemies It is one of the ways to protect yourself from negative energies and the evil gaze of jealous people around you.

When you say this prayer, the energy emanating from you should be positive. This means that you should not allow fear or anger to fill your heart every time you want to say this prayer.

As a Christian, when you want to pray the prayer of protection, you can use Psalm 35 or 68 as an anchor Bible verse. These Bible verses will fuel prayer and awaken faith in your heart.

The prayer It is one of the best ways to protect yourself from the evil eye and you should always use this method if you don't want to wear the evil eye bracelet on yourself.

However, for a more powerful combination, wear the evil eye bracelet and say the prayer of protection. This will release a lot of energy for protection, and the negative gaze of envious people will; Never affect your life or business again.

3) Protection spell

Spells are powerful. They can make anything happen and make our intentions come true. Spells can be used to ward off the evil eye. This is like prayer. However, with spells, you have to perform certain rituals or do some magical practices .

Protection spells will protect you against people's evil eye. This spell can be performed both in the morning and at midnight. You must perform this spell daily for seven days. With the protection spell, you can easily deflect the arrow of evil spirits away from you.

Protection spells are powerful enough to make all your wishes come true, including protection against negative energies directed towards you by the negative gaze of jealous people.

What do you need for protection spells?

  • Cinnamon stick;
  • A pencil and paper;
  • white salt;
  • anointing oil;
  • 2 black candles.

How to do this protection spell.

  1. Burn the cinnamon stick to chase away bad energies from your environment. It will also bring good luck and fortune.
  2. Draw a circle around you with the white salt. This will form an invisible boundary. With this, you will not be affected by any negative energy coming towards you.
  3. Anoint the black candle with oil. The oil will cleanse the candle and free it of all forms of negative energy.
  4. Hold the candles in your hand and feel the energy that comes out of them.
  5. Let the feeling be real to you before lighting the candle.
  6. After lighting the candle, place them on the left and right sides.
  7. Write your intention on the white paper.
  8. Burn the paper with the flame of the black candle while saying these words:

“In the name of the great and victorious elements

I call upon the ancient forces

To crush and eliminate all negative entities

Break and dissolve, crush and release.

As it is now, so be it.

This simple protection spell will protect you from the negative gaze. It will nullify the effect of the evil eye against you and bring good luck to your life.

4) Carry a sage leaf with you every time

This is another powerful way to protect yourself from the evil eye. The sage leaf is a powerful element of protection. Apart from the medicinal benefits of this plant, it has the power to protect you from negative energies and attract good luck to your life .

Additionally, the sage leaf was used in ancient times for protection rituals and invocation practices. This tells you how powerful the sage leaf is. Therefore, by simply putting a sage leaf in your pocket or bag, you are creating an atmosphere around you that is conducive only to good luck.

It is believed that the smell of sage will infect you, thus creating an aura of protection. You can enjoy the power of the sage leaf by having it with you at all times. With this, you will not be affected by the negative gaze of the people around you .

You can combine sage leaf with a protection spell. That is, after performing the protection spell at home, carrying a sage leaf with you is a powerful combination.

You should always have a sage leaf with you. I love carrying a dried sage leaf with me every time I go to work or on vacation.

A fundamental reason for holding the sage leaf is to protect yourself from someone's evil gaze when you are not expecting it. It's a Effective method of protection against the evil eye.

5) Wear the Eye of Horus as a pendant

The Eye of Horus is an ancient Egyptian symbol that provides protection and healing to anyone who wears it. This symbolic pendant can protect you from the negative gaze of envious people .

Therefore, you should wear it around your neck as a pendant.

The power of the Eye of Horus is believed to drive away evil spirits and prevent them from harming you. Additionally, it is believed to neutralize all negative energies that come towards you.

Get an eye of Horus as a pendant, and always wear it around your neck.

How to remove the evil eye from my body?

You can remove the evil eye of your body by performing ritual baths .

Ritual baths are special baths, which are directed to a specific purpose. There is a ritual bath for love, protection, money and good luck. Therefore, it is an effective method to remove the evil eye from your body.

All you have to do is put your hands in the water, express your intentions in the water, and say positive affirmations while you bathe.

There are other complex ritual baths; However, this is very simple and basic enough for anyone to do.

Take the protective ritual bath at midnight. It is most effective when you do it at midnight.

The ritual bath will eliminate all negative energies from your body. Make sure you do this every midnight. It works perfectly.

In addition to ritual baths, you can use sage to smudge. The smell will infect you and create an atmosphere of protection against the evil eye.

How to remove the evil eye from my house?

Removing the evil eye from your house is possible with the following methods:

  • Diffusing sage. This is the act of burning white sage leaves in your home. The smell creates an atmosphere of protection against the evil eye.
  • A jar of protection spells It is another effective means to eliminate the evil eye from your home. The protection spell jar should be buried in front of your house or kept in front of your house. It will drive away all evil eyes and leave you protected.
  • Hang a bay leaf on the door of your house and in the window frames of your house. This will serve as a spiritual guard against the evil eye.

Where to hang the evil eye amulet in my house?

To get the perfect result, hang the evil eye amulet in front of your house.

That is the best place to hang the evil eye amulet. Also, you can hang it on the door frame of your…