How can I overcome the fear of the future? – Online Psychologists

One of the most difficult emotions to manage is fear of the future and the uncertainty of not knowing what will happen. It is normal to want to know, we are curious by nature and we love to be certain of what will happen, but it is impossible, We can't have everything under control.

We have all felt that fear at some point, it is normal to experience it, but The important thing is to learn how to manage it so that it does not become an obstacle in our daily lives.

Why are we afraid of the future?

One of the reasons why we are afraid of the future is, as we have already mentioned, because We like to have everything under control And as for what will happen in the future, we are at a disadvantage because it is impossible to know, much less control it.

Besides, We live immersed in unrealistic expectations that the only thing they generate for us is suffering because when they are not fulfilled we feel frustrated and dissatisfied.

Symptoms of fear of the future

Symptoms of fear the future are divided into three types:

  • Cognitive symptoms: They are related to thoughts. People who experience this type of fear ask themselves a series of questions such as, “What if we break up?”, “What if I get fired?”, “What if something happens to me?” These are intrusive and mostly catastrophic thoughts about possible future events.
  • Physiological symptoms: They are directly linked to bodily sensations, and are related to anxiety about the future. They can lead to physical symptoms such as sweating, hand tremors, tachycardia, hyperventilation, etc.
  • Behavioral symptoms: They refer to the behavior of the person who experiences this type of fear, which can manifest itself in an apathetic attitude, an inability to make decisions, or problems leaving their comfort zone.

Consequences of fear of the future

Fear of the future can have serious consequences in the daily life of those who experience it, because a stagnation may occur in that person's life. If you decide not to leave your job for fear of what might happen or you don't leave your partner because you think you won't find another person who loves you, you will end up living a lie and constant dissatisfaction.

He fear of the future It can have consequences on the way you relate to others and can damage your social relationships. This constant fear prevents you from moving forward and can affect, for example, your relationship as a couple. And sometimes, Fear of the future stops you from making important decisions such as buying a house or having children for fear of what might happen. This can negatively affect your relationship, as the other person's life expectations are not met.

Tips to overcome fear of the future

  • You can't control everything: It is impossible to have everything under control, relax and enjoy the present.
  • Your past was unpredictable: If you look back, you may realize that most of the major events in your life were not planned.
  • Optimism is important: Expect good things in life, it is not healthy to think that everything you are going to experience is going to be bad.
  • Trust in your ability to cope with obstacles: Trust in your ability to overcome, you are stronger than you think.
  • Assume that everything has a risk: Everything has a risk and can go wrong, but what if it doesn't go wrong?
  • Focus on what depends on you: You must be clear that sometimes what is going to happen does not depend on you and you cannot do anything, you must accept it in order to move forward.

Ultimately, fear of the future can lead us to self-sabotage and cause ourselves to bring about what we fear. If you think that fear of the future prevents you from moving forward in your life, you can go to a psychologistsince receiving professional help is a very useful tool to learn to manage this fear.

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