How Beelzebub manifests | 👁

Description. Beelzebub in the allegorical forms of him sometimes accepts a colossal facade; with a swollen face, crowned with a fiery ribbon, a menacing black horn, hairy and bat-winged.

An investigation by Gabe Hash

The belief in witchcraft is common in many ethnic groups, from the most remote and ancient to the most modern, but the interpretations of the phenomenon change significantly from one culture to another.


Satanic action, according to the common understanding of systematic theology, is classified into ordinary and exceptional action. However, before properly undertaking this topic, a better explanation and understanding of the preliminary questions about the action of the devil is needed, such as: «What is the nature of the action of Satan and his servants?», «Why what reason, why the devil’s action so strong against men? and «What do you have to do to be spiritually ready to fight the devil each and every day?»

Father Gabriele Amorth was categorical in his affirmation that before understanding the action of Satan, it is necessary to take into account that the devil has immense power. The immensity of this power is also attested in the Holy Scriptures, at the moment when Christ calls him «prince of this planet» and Saint Paul «the god of this planet». Saint John affirms: «The entire planet is under the power of the wicked.»

Beelzebub Physical Description

With nicknames like «lord of dung» and «god of filth,» it’s safe to assume that Beelzebub is not a pretty character. Like various devils, he is often depicted as a small, withered, hunched creature. He can have red or purple fur, ram’s horns, a forked tongue, and an extended tail. But he is much more popular for his wings, which are so capable that he is sometimes called «lord of the skies» or «lord of the flies.»

Certain magic books claim that when they invoke him, Beelzebub likes to manifest himself as a fly. This may seem like a harmless decision, but by the time we stop to reckon with old views on flies, he turns intensely sinister. The old scientific theory of spontaneous generation held that flies hatched from decaying meat and left carcasses to become airborne.

jesus and beelzebub

Somewhat much more related to Christianity and the Bible, where Jesus cast out a demon. It is recounted on multiple occasions and in different editions of it, among which it is worth mentioning:

Which establishes the following:

Who is it?

This is the name that was given to designate the Demon, being considered as one of the seven princes that govern the territory of hell and who, in what is recorded in the Infernal Dictionary, was considered as the lord of the flies or also as the lord of the house

Solomon’s will tells of him formerly an angel associated with the star Hesperus, which was the name of the world Venus, which was considered the evening star. He then was considered simply as Lucifer, who wants to cause destruction, dominating despots.