How are perfumes made?

Based on market research and the choice of essences that form the right fragrance. Perfumes appeared in 3000 BC At that time, the Egyptians used aromatic smoke during prayers. Hence the origin of the word: per (through) and fummum (smoke). Around 800 BC, the Greeks were already exporting oils from flowers and macerated plants and, almost two centuries later, Babylon became the commercial center for spices and perfumes. Today, a fragrance is made by mixing 30 to 300 ingredients. They all have three “notes” (smells). The top note is the one that disperses more easily in the air: we feel it right after opening the bottle. The heart is less volatile: we only notice it when the product dries on the skin. And the background is the one that ensures the fixation of the aroma on the skin. It is usually the densest (and most expensive to produce).


Consumer opinion guides production

1.Market research defines the concept of the new product, identifying the target audience (youth, adult, male or female) and its style (sportsman, rocker, romantic…). Based on this data, it is possible to create a visual and olfactory identity – the packaging and the fragrance, respectively.

A perfumer’s palette has more than 2,500 ingredients. The rose alone has over 20 different scents!

two.With this information, a perfumer starts mixing raw materials to compose the formula. It is up to the laboratory to combine 30 to 300 ingredients to reproduce the perfume idealized by this professional. The result is around 15 fragrances, which are tested with some consumers.

3.Once the favorite fragrance is defined, the production process in the laboratory is repeated on a large scale. The raw material is weighed, mixed with other ingredients (such as essences, water and alcohol) and stored in a barrel to gain intensity.

4.From the barrels, the liquid goes down tubes to the filling machine, where it is placed in bottles. A cartoner assembles the lid, while another machine adds the protector and packaging. Finally, the box receives an outer plastic film

5.The product goes to a warehouse in the factory itself. From there, it goes to various distribution lines: physical stores (of the brand itself or resellers), sales representatives and authorized people who sell the product by catalogue, among others.

In 2010, Brazil became a world leader in the sector, with growth of 33% and revenues of US$ 6 billion


Each type of fragrance refers to a style

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With bases of flowers such as rose, jasmine and narcissus, among others. Here is the highest concentration of women’s perfumes


It comes from fruits such as tangerine, lemon and bergamot. Fresh, light and popular in summer, it is in most unisex fragrances.


It comes from different types of wood. It has warm and sensual notes, often used in men’s perfumes.


It is one of the most intense olfactory families. Uses exotic spices such as musk, musk, ambergris and pepper


Of French origin, it uses herbs and herbaceous plants. It is often used in products for more traditional men.

SOURCES Fabio Artoni, perfumery manager at Natura, Renata Ashcar, specialist in perfumes and author of Brasilessencia: A Cultura do Perfume

– Why does the lady-of-the-night only release perfume at night?

– Why do flowers have perfume?

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