illustrates Lalan Bessoni
edition Felipe van Deursen
The cases shown here are little studied by science. But there are some clues
How it works
There are dozens of obsessions and compulsions. But not all are researched in depth. What is known is that much of it is related to manias and rituals that are difficult to control, such as OCD (Obsessive Compulsive Disorder). This is a consequence of a problem in the interaction of genetic, environmental and neurobiological factors, which can affect the functioning of the brain.
– Areas that process emotions, planning and responding to the environment have increased blood flow and altered circuitry
Behavioral Therapy
Psychotherapy is capable of modifying the functioning of the cortex, changing the perception of the problem and the behavior
prescription drugs
Antidepressants act in the deepest areas of the brain, remodeling the structures of the basal ganglia
1 out of 4 people will suffer from some type of mental or neurological disorder during their lifetime
They exist 365 types of mental disorders
700 million people in the world suffer from some form of mental or neurological illness
In Brazil, 23 million people (12% of the population) need some mental health care
This represents 13% of all diseases in the world
– The most bizarre manias in the world
– What is OCD?
– What is bipolar disorder?
CONSULTANCY Adriano Segal, psychiatrist at Hospital Albert Einstein (São Paulo), Cristina Rua, master in clinical psychology from USP, Roberta da Costa, associate of the Brazilian Society of Psychology, and Yara Ingberman, specialist in clinical psychology
SOURCES Brazilian Association of Psychiatry, ICD-10 Classification of Mental and Behavioral Disorders, Clinical Descriptions and Diagnostic Guidelinesfrom WHO, Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-5) and WHO Mental Health Action Plan 2013-2020.Books History of Madnessby Michel Foucault, and Minds and Maniasby Ana Beatriz Barbosa Silva