How a lack of communication affects a couple – Online Psychologists

Maria and Juan come to the consultation together, as so many couples do every week. Although at first they find it difficult to talk about what is happening, Maria soon shares what the problem is. It is not that they have stopped loving each other, nor are they considering ending the relationship. She says that both members of the couple love each other very much, but the lack of communication in the couple It is affecting them noticeably and they are arguing more and more.

The importance of communication in couple relationships

Communication is one of the foundations on which healthy relationships are built. After all, they are based on trust, and what shows more trust in someone than having the freedom to tell them both the good and the bad things?

Only if there is trust can you avoid a lack of communication in your relationship and express all those emotions that can affect your relationship. Although at first it may seem like the easiest solution, you should know that avoiding talking about things that make you uncomfortable is counterproductive.

Not expressing what you feel will only contribute to bottling up those emotions until they become unbearable and come out in the form of anger or anxiety attacks.

Causes of lack of communication in couples

  • Narcissism or excessive consideration of one's own characteristics. Narcissistic people often consider themselves more valid than others. This is why, in a relationship, they can give too much importance to what happens to them and too little to what happens to their partner. Narcissistic people have trouble listening, which can cause their partner to shut down when they don't respond.
  • Conflict avoidance: Love is a very powerful feeling. When you are with the person you love, it is common to experience great amounts of well-being. The prospect of losing this well-being can cause partners to keep quiet for fear of causing conflicts that will end the relationship.
  • Disregard for one's own experiences and emotions: Unlike narcissists, people with low self-esteem tend to think that their feelings and experiences are worthless. That's why they often repress things they would like to share with their partner, for fear that they will find it trivial or boring.
  • Routine: If you spend a lot of time with your partner, you may have noticed that nothing that happens in your life surprises you anymore. If the time you spend together becomes boring, your first impulse may be to avoid dialogue, since you think it will not provide valuable information.
  • Emotional problems: A couple is made up of two people to whom things happen separately. Everyday stimuli affect the mood of the members of the couple and can interfere with the communication processes of the couple. In this context, it is easy for misunderstandings to arise and for the partner to believe that they are the cause of the problem.

If the lack of communication between your partner affects your relationship and your mood, it may be time to put yourself in the hands of an online psychologist.

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7 consequences of lack of communication in a couple

  1. Passive-aggressive.
  2. Constant anger.
  3. Problems recognizing and communicating one's own emotions.
  4. Hearing difficulties.
  5. Excessive accusations and hurtful criticism.
  6. Lack of interest in others.
  7. Difficulty in recognizing one's own mistakes and apologizing.

If you notice that these problems are present in your relationship, it may be time to seek professional help.

At we have been helping patients from all over the world find their well-being since 2012. We were pioneers in offering online couples therapy and that is why we know that it is an economical, but equally effective, alternative to traditional therapies.

To date, more than 1,600 people have turned to us to find an online psychologist. If you also want to try our services, you can request a consultation First briefing free by clicking the button below.