Hot asphalt – danger for dog paws

The hot summer temperatures can be dangerous for your dog because the asphalt heats up extremely. You can protect your dog from burns on its paws with the help of a simple trick: With the «Seven Second Test» Dog owners can check if the pavement surface is too hot for their dog’s paws. Hold the back of your hand on the surface for seven seconds. If this is too hot for your hand, then the heat is also too high for the dog.

Even if the air temperature is pleasantly warm, the asphalt can heat up considerably. A pleasant temperature often hides the fact that the asphalt is hot. For example, the following temperature differences can occur between air and asphalt:

Floor coverings get different temperatures. A study by Frostburg University showed that concrete had a temperature of 40°C, while at the same time brick was about 43°C and asphalt was about 51°C.