Homemade spells to get pregnant, fertility rituals and amulet

Homemade spells to get pregnant Female fertility rituals or to get pregnant are like traditions passed down from generation to generation.

Regardless of your religious belief, you can perform any (or all) of the rituals to get pregnant.

Next, we are going to detail homemade spells to get pregnant and rituals to get pregnant.


Some ancient rituals

The wooden spoon is one of the ancient rituals that have come down to our days due to its effectiveness. It is very easy to do at home. Leave a wooden spoon under the part of the bed where your partner usually sleeps and also place a pink or light blue ribbon (depending on whether you want a boy or a girl) under the pillow.

The empty bowl is a beautiful metaphor for the emptiness that is filled by pregnancy in a woman’s body. And it’s very simple to do: leave a virgin basin under the bride and groom’s bed and put a little water every day, less than one finger. Every time you fill the basin, ask your guardian angel for the conception of the long-awaited baby.


Rituals to get pregnant

Rituals for getting pregnant with San Cosme and Damian #1

The twins Cosme and Damian, born in the city of Egeia, in Arabia, around 260 are always related to motherhood, children and fertility. The story tells that the mother of Cosme and Damian was a noble woman, full of wealth, but who could not have children. For a year, on even days, she climbed the mountain and prayed to God for the grace to have a child. Her wish came true on September 27 and the twins were born. The Catholic celebration of Saints Cosmas and Damian takes place on this date.

If you want to get pregnant with a girl or with twins, you can do this ritual for San Cosme and Damian

Will need:

A glass with a lid (that fits inside a candle);
Gurarana drink (obtained at herbalists or botanical pharmacies)
A pink pacifier;
A ribbon, which is also pink;
petals of seven roses white;
A pink candle;
A place where there is a white rose.

Put half of the guarana soda in the glass jar. Then put the pacifier, the ribbon, the sugar, the honey and the petals of the seven white roses. Use the pink candle to mix everything, leave it inside the pot and cover. You have to leave the container under the foot of a white rosebush and ask San Cosme and Damian to grant you the grace of getting pregnant with a girl. Promise a cake, party, or thank-you gift as soon as she’s pregnant and finds out the sex of the baby.


Rituals for getting pregnant with San Cosme and Damian #2

Secretly get a pair of baby shoes in the color you prefer (let your intuition guide you in your choice) and a handful of candy. Leave one of the shoes inside your pillow and fill the other one with candy by hanging it from a leafy tree (with lots of leaves).

As soon as you hang up, mentalize the desire to be a mother and say out loud: “Saint Cosme and Saint Damian, just when I come to ask you for the grace of motherhood, I promise with all the love of my heart to come in this same tree, a symbol of the fruits. healthy, thank you my will that will be fulfilled. Just as the Archangel Gabriel announced the good news to Mary, the angels will announce the arrival of a child to me, thus completing my happiness.”

When the news of the pregnancy materializes, go back to the tree and bury the other shoe with the bullets inside and be thankful for your health and that of the child.

You can also do the ritual of the woolen shoes in another way: fill one foot of the shoes of the chosen color (pink for girls, blue for boys or any other color you want, if you don’t mind one gender or the other) with cotton and keep both feet in a clothes drawer. Ask San Cosme and San Damian to fulfill your request and grant you the grace to become pregnant. Strengthen the request with a promise as a way of thanking you for your wish: it could be a party, a cake, a gift or a volunteer action for children in need.


Rituals for getting pregnant of the Three Saints: Santa Juana, Santa María and Santa Ana

This ritual can be done together with other Full Moon rituals, because you have to do it when it’s Sunday night and the moon is bright and full in the sky! Just look at the sky and say three times:

“Saint Anne, Saint Mary and Saint Juana, satisfy my hope and give me a son immediately!”

Then, light a white candle, place it near nine daisies and say nine Hail Marys, thinking that each one corresponds to a month of gestation.



There are different homemade spells to get pregnant that are easy to prepare. Let’s see what they consist of:

Homemade spells to get pregnant from the Full Moon

It is common sense that the phases of the Moon they influence the female menstrual period, just as they interfere with the tides and the forces of nature. Take advantage of the Full Moon period to cast this spell!

Light a golden candle on the first full moon night of the month after 11 pm Pray to Holy Mary, mother of God, asking for pregnancy, reinforcing the happiness you will have if grace is achieved. For the spell to get pregnant quickly to have more power, repeat the process for 7 days in a row. If the candle goes out before you finish, replace it and throw it under running water.


Home spells to get pregnant to have twin children

If your wish is to get pregnant with twins, then this spell is perfect for you.

Will need:

White cardboard box (can be small)
Two paper hearts in red color
Two foil stars
Two pacifiers (blue for boys, pink for girls, or yellow for neutral)
Ankle boots in the chosen colors

Place everything inside the white cardboard box and keep it separate. At dawn the next day, raise the box to open it in the sun and say aloud: «My God, who provides fertility to the fields and animals, bring your powerful energy to my womb and help me achieve happiness.» in double dose.”

Then close the box and store it in a safe place. When the babies are born, you need to put the booties on them.


Homemade spells to get pregnant with eggs and flowers

Separate the ingredients to prepare this easy spell.

Will need:

05 eggs
05 flowers without thorn
Yellow tape
lavender scent

Pass the eggs and flowers in your belly and then put everything in a stream, in a water jet or waterfall, lighting a white candle and asking nature for the grace of a pregnancy. Tie the flowers with the yellow ribbon and sprinkle the flowers and eggs with lavender.

See also recipes juices and smoothies for female infertility (fertility)

Many women want to have children but find it difficult to become pregnant. Factors that affect female fertility include age, (…)


Homemade spells to get pregnant in general

Help activate the power of universal fertilization in any situation, from healthy women who cannot conceive to gardens or arable fields.

Will need:

an egg white
liqueur cocoa
1 tablespoon of port wine
1 tablespoon of honey
Cinnamon powder
1 teaspoon of nutmeg
Three candles (one blue, one red and one yellow)
small funnel

Carefully make a hole in the egg shell to remove everything inside (white and yolk). Separate the yolk from the white and mix half a glass of cocoa liquor. Add port wine, honey, a good pinch of cinnamon, and nutmeg to the mix. Booking.

Light three so they form a triangle. Beat the reserved mixture with a wooden spoon while repeating several times:

“By the force of my Will / By the immense Celestial Father / By the Sun and the Moon / By the four elements / Enter now in this elixir the power of birth”

When the mixture is ready and homogeneous, with the candles still burning, fill the egg again with the prepared and consecrated elixir, using a small funnel.

Once the mixture is ready, still with the candles lit, using a small funnel, fill the egg again with the prepared and consecrated elixir. Then, drink the elixir and say the following prayer:

«Great Heavenly Father / Fertilizer of the entire universe / Gaia, Mother of the Earth and Mother of men / Goddess of fertility and love / Make the fruit of my love bloom in my womb.»

Blow out the candles. The egg should be buried with the candles in a flower bed as soon as possible. Place the candles in the shape of a triangle and place the egg in the center, repeating the previous sentence. Repeat sympathy until desired fertilization.

You may be interested in knowing: Superstitions to get pregnant


amulets to get pregnant

If you visit a shrine or temple in Japan, chances are you’ll see some colorful and tiny bag-shaped items for sale. They are amulets called omamori (お守り), which contain the blessings of the priests and are believed to offer protection and ward off bad luck.

In fact, the kanji for omamori (守) means «protection.» There are various types of omamori, such as those that help you pass an exam, find love, become financially successful, or recover from illness, so it’s no wonder that there are also omamori for successfully getting pregnant, as well as having a healthy pregnancy and a safe delivery.

amulets to get pregnant Kosazuke’s Omamori ・子授け)

If you hope to have a child in the future, you may want to get a 子授け (kosazuke) omamori. These are believed to bless you so that you can successfully conceive a child.

At some shrines and temples, such as Suitengu (水天宮) in Tokyo and Nakayamadera (中山寺) in Hyogo Prefecture, you can pay a fee to have the priest pray for you (or your partner) to get pregnant. You can also request this prayer (子授け祈祷・kosazuke kito) through the mail, so you don’t have to go directly to the temple. The priest will say the prayer for you and then the 子授守 (omamori to conceive) from the temple or shrine and other special and blessed items such as the ofuda (talisman) will be mailed to your home.

If you want to know more about homemade spells to get pregnant, you can write to our email.


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