You don’t have to use pills or drugs to feel sensual, or have an operation to enlarge your breasts or change something about your face. Everything you want can be achieved with magic and practice, especially practice. In this article we explain how to make a free and simple homemade sexual mooring. This spell will increase the pleasure in sex with your partner.
Normally, the homemade sexual tie is used to multiply the desire and the level of sexual activity.
The necessary ingredients to make the homemade sexual mooring spell are:
- red candle
- Incense
- Photo of the affected person.
How is this sexual mooring done?
Hold the photo of your man, light the incense you have selected, and then light the red candle. Concentrate on that image and pronounce the following words:
«Goddess of love,
Grant me my greatest wish,
Let me feel the heat
when the two of us are together
Burn the photo of your lover, for this use the flame of the red candle.
Summon any goddess of your choice, but go for a deity that represents love, sex, pleasure or the female bodyas it will work better. You can also decide to invoke a male and female god together in the same spell, to reinforce the male-female connection.
As advice, do not perform this spell for selfishness, if so it will be misguided for you. There is usually a bit of selfishness in any such ritual, but always be careful not to want the person the spell is directed at to be harmed or forced.
Here ends this spell on how to perform a homemade sexual mooring. Keep visiting our website to learn about a large number of free spells and moorings to get the man or woman you want, always with white magic.