Homemade Christmas letters: a gift of love

do you know how to do christmas letters? Here we share the step by step of this craft, but we also give you tips for the content.

Writing is one of the best exercises we can do for the mind, because it helps us organize ideas and, furthermore, it is therapeutic, because through writing we can express what we feel and are not able to say out loud.

That is why in this article we share the instructions to make this type of Christmas crafts, but we also give you ideas of what you can write on them. Take note and get to work!

Christmas letters for children

Although in Latin America the most common is write letters to the Child Godif your children wish they can also do it to Santa Claus, the important thing is that they do not concentrate only on asking for gifts, but that they take advantage of this exercise to make an evaluation of the year.

For example, you can suggest that they list the good deeds and achievements of the last twelve months and also write what motivated them to do them beyond receiving some type of award.

Christmas letter to the family

Many times we focus only on the material and on giving expensive gifts, as if these celebrations were about that; Nothing further from reality. The Dec. 24 love is celebrated and that is why we should also give each other immaterial gifts.

You could write a letter to your whole family thanking them for the privilege of being able to get together and share a meal together. You can dedicate a paragraph to the grandparents, another to each aunt, to the cousins ​​and even to the absent one, who is not missing on Christmas Eve. Read that letter to them before you open the presents.

Christmas letters to friends

Instead of sending something generic to your friends, these holidays we can give immaterial gifts to friends, such as a few words written by you and dedicated to that friendship that is so valuable to you. They will value it much more than a gift, because it comes from the heart.

merry christmas letter

We know that the easiest thing is to buy Christmas cards and send them to your colleagues, clients or professional contacts in an indiscriminate way, just changing the name of the recipient, however, you can try writing them some personalized words of thanks. You will make the difference.

How to make a Christmas letter?

You already have the text ready, you wrote it, but you are not going to make your letter in a simple white paper, you must give it a Christmas air and here we show you how.


  • beige or cream paper
  • white felt
  • White thread
  • Cinnamon in splinter
  • anise seeds
  • Assorted small Christmas decorations (hopefully flat)

Implements necessary

  • Scissors
  • paper glue
  • Needle
  • Ballpoint

Time required

30 minutes

Estimated cost

$20,000 (COP)


1. Write

Write a draft of the letter, in such a way that when you pass it clean, it comes out without errors or crossing out.

2. Decorate the sheet

Paste Christmas decorations such as Christmas stars, for example, cinnamon sticks and some anise seeds, on the margins of the sheet of paper.

3. Go Clean

Copy the letter you drafted onto the beige or cream colored sheet. Try to use a pen that has a special ink, such as bright red or pearlescent silver.

4. Make the envelope

Make the envelope from a piece of white felt using the same technique you would normally use to make a paper envelope, but instead of glue use a needle and thread. Although here we chose to do it with this type of fabric, you can choose the material you want, the important thing is that it is different.

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