Home pregnancy test: how to use it correctly?

The effectiveness of a home pregnancy test It depends, in large part, on how you do it, that’s why we explain it here. In addition, we tell you what other types of home tests exist.

If you have a delay or are thinking about ordering a baby and anxiety does not let you think about anything other than “How do I know if I’m pregnant?” Ideally, you should go to the doctor for a blood test, but if you can’t wait to find out, you can choose to do a test at home.

How to do a home pregnancy test?

Next, we will share the step by step to apply a home pregnancy test correctly.


  • Your first morning urine.

Implements necessary

  • 1 pregnancy test to do at home (you can buy one at any pharmacy and there are several brands).

Time required

10 minutes

Estimated cost

$13,000 (COP)


1. Read the instructions

Before taking the test, you must read the instructions for use of the product completely, since each brand is different; that way you will reduce the chances of getting an erroneous result.

2. Sanitize

Before you start, wash your hands very well with soap and water.

3. Collect the sample

Sit on the toilet and urinate directly on the strip. Some brands will tell you to collect some of your urine in a jar and then insert the strip into it; others will tell you to use an eyedropper for the same purpose. Do as directed by your test instructions.

4. Wait

Now, wait the indicated time to see the result, which usually ranges between one and five minutes, depending on the brand.

5. Read the result

Once the time stipulated in the instructions for use of your test has passed, you must proceed to interpret it. At this point it will be very helpful to have these instructions at hand, because, again, each mark reads differently: some will have two red lines for positive, others a plus sign, others will say pregnant, and so on.

The Curious History of the Mirror Pregnancy Test

It is the Predictor, the first home pregnancy test that came onto the market, back in the 60s; It was created by graphic designer Margaret Crane in 1967, although it was not commercialized until 1977 due to social prejudice (except for a test market in Canada in 1972).

According to a report published by the magazine Time in 2012 to commemorate the 35th anniversary of its creation, she designed the prototype after visiting the laboratories of the American pharmaceutical company Organon, where she noticed a row of test tubes resting on a mirrored surface.

They were pregnancy tests, and each one contained chemical reactivators that, when detecting the hormone chorionic gonadotropin (hCG), formed a red circle at the base, which was reflected in the mirror. It seemed to him that it would be very simple to do it at home and his prototype, over time, became the tests that we know today.

A saliva pregnancy test could soon be on the market

The Israeli company Salignostics developed the first saliva-based rapid pregnancy test, which works basically the same as urine, only instead of using said liquid in it, you will have to put it in your mouth, and its effectiveness would be 95%. %.

Other home tests to know if I am pregnant

Although some of the tests that we explain below are not scientifically reliable, many people believe that they are correct and assure that they have worked for them.

chlorine home pregnancy test

Very carefully, take some of your first morning urine and pour it into a clean glass. Then put a little chlorine or bleach in said container. If you don’t see any reaction, you’re not pregnant, but if the mixture bubbles or changes color to dark, there’s a chance of pregnancy.

home oil pregnancy test

You will also need to use your first morning urine for this test. Eye, for greater certainty, sterilize both the container and the dropper that you will use. Pour two drops of oil into the urine container, but separate from each other. If after 2 to 3 minutes, the drops stick together, you could be pregnant.

salt pregnancy test

In a new plastic cup, pour your first morning urine. Add a teaspoon of coarse salt with a new disposable spoon and stir for 30 seconds. If nothing happens, the test would be negative, but if you notice that a whitish cloud appears on the surface that does not dissipate when you stir and let it rest, a pregnancy is possible.

Finally, there are a series of signs that can tell you, month by month, if you are pregnant or not, and this occurs even from the first few weeks, if you are wondering when do pregnancy symptoms start.

Also, tell us What other home method to detect pregnancy do you know? Write what you think in the comments of this note, and share it on your social networks!