We chose ourselves for our following breed portrait a fur nose from our Dutch neighbors selected: the Hollandse Smoushond.
Actually hides behind the cuddly sounding name a cuddle dog? And what should you pay attention to this cute fur nose?
Now you will find out which one important information about posture, health & Co. must have.
Hollandse Smoushond Wanted Poster
Size Male: 37 to 42 cm, female: 35 to 40 cmWeightMale & Female: 8 to 10 kgColorsmustard yellowLife expectancy12 to 14 yearsOriginNetherlandscharacter/temperamentaffectionate, happy, friendly, courageous, intelligent, playful, mischievous, robust, patient, alert, livelyFCI groupGroup 2: Pinscher and Schnauzer – Molosser – Swiss Mountain Dogs and other breeds, Section 1: Pinscher and Schnauzer, without working trial.
The Hollandse Smoushond is a little Struwwelpeter – at least that should be the first impression you have of the dog.
Under the tousled fur hides a rather square bodythe of quite long and slender legs will be carried.
A special feature is the round headthe of cheeky floppy ears becomes.
The Hollandse Smoushond is completed by a long and this time not shaggy but feathery tail.
Coat, coat texture & coat colors
The coat of the Hollandse Smoushond is medium length and wiry. It feels rough which is not to be expected at first sight.
The breed-typical stubborn look will through the slight curling of the fur caused. These waves are clearly visible, among other things, on the lop ears.
Is it about them Colors that the coat of the Hollandse Smoushond may have, it gets a little boring. Because only that is allowed Color mustard yellow.
Eye Shape & Eye Color
The Eyes of the Hollandse Smoushond are big and round. Regarding the colors – as with the fur – only one is available, viz dark brown.
Height Weight
The Hollandse Smoushond comes with a Shoulder height from 37 to 42 centimeters and a weight of 8 to 10 kg/males and females a small breed of dog.
female of this race weigh as much as the males. Your stick is right with 35 to 40 centimeters but slightly below that of the males.
History & Origin of the Hollandse Smoushond
From the name it should not be difficult to guess the origin of the Hollandse Smoushond – the Netherlands.
It is believed that he is here around the year 1850 appeared for the first time. That was one of his duties at the time Catching and killing rats.
Only later did he become hunting dog and companion dogone purposeful breeding started in the early 20th century.
The official breed recognition through the FCI took place in 1981.
Essence & character of the Hollandse Smoushond
Cheerful, friendly, always in a good mood and up for a joke. The Hollandse Smoushond can be described with these characteristics, among other things.
The lively and alert fur nose with the robust basic constitution is also considered very playful and mischievous.
The probability that they you quickly wrapped around the cute little pawsis therefore relatively high.
At everyone playfulness and activitywhich the breed exhibits, it nevertheless has a patient and also calm temperament.
Because even one alive dog like the little dutchman has Nothing against chilling and cuddling on the sofa with your human in the evening.
attitude & upbringing
Of course you need to know what the points are Keeping and training of the Hollandse Smoushond approaching you.
Let’s see what these important things include.
Small, square, practical, good – admittedly, the Hollandse Smoushond is NO bar of chocolate, but at least as great.
As for space, this breed can kept in an apartment become.
But that means not for a long timethat the lively dog with the watchful nature don’t want to go out.
Daily walks as well as further physical and mental exertion are also at the Hollandse Smoushond a must.
Do you live in a house with a large garden? Then the Hollandse Smoushond is natural the happiest. Because here he can romp around as you please.
The education of the Hollandse Smoushonds commutes from relatively simple to a little more complicated a.
The reason for this is, among other things awake beings of the dog. Also the strong own will thwarts an uncomplicated upbringing.
Nevertheless, the little Dutchman is a willing dog. If he understands a command and thinks it makes sense, he will understand and follow quickly.
It is important that you Set clear rules and stick to them consistently. If you do that, your four-legged roommate will too.
Good to know
The Let alone is for the Hollandse Smoushond usually no problem. Still, he should at puppy age to being left alone become accustomed to.
Health & Care
Does the Hollandse Smoushond need a lot Care? And how about his Health? We will now tell you the answers to these questions.
Grooming & General Grooming
Medium-length Strubbel fur and uncomplicated grooming – that is possible? Yes – at least with the Hollandse Smoushond.
The breed needs no dog baths and is already satisfied if that Coat well brushed from time to time becomes.
Incidentally, there is no high hair loss with this fur nose, the Hollandse Smoushond sheds very little.
Breed diseaseswhich can cause problems for the Hollandse Smoushond, are not known.
Originally bred as a hunting dog and pied piper, he enjoys robust health that is usually disease free.
It is important that you show your fur nose checked by the vet once a year leaves.
You should also regular deworming, parasite prophylaxis and the necessary booster vaccinations regard.
Good to know
To avoid later health problems – such as joint diseases – you should with the puppy on a species-appropriate range of motion regard.
Life expectancy
The life expectancy of the Hollandse Smoushond is 12 to 14 years. You can give him positive support here, among other things, with a species-appropriate nutrition.
This one should high meat content own. On the other hand, it should be avoided Cereals and artificial additives and flavorings.
Because they in turn have not a very positive side effectWhat health and life expectancy the furry nose is concerned.
Is the Hollandse Smoushond right for me?
One of the most important questions before purchasing the little Dutchman is: «Is the Hollandse Smoushond right for me?»
So that you can find out the answer quickly and easily, you will receive it from us now a small checklist to the hand. 😊
You are looking for one active and playful dog for shared adventures?
You are looking for a dog that becomes an important part of your family and likes children?
You are looking for a dog with whom you also do a binge-watching weekend on the sofa can?
you are looking for one happy companionwho every day bring a little sunshine into your life?
Fun facts about the Hollandse Smoushond
At the end of our Hollandse Smoushond breed portrait you still get some interesting and exciting fun facts to the fur nose.
Reputable breeder Hollandse Smoushond puppies cost around €1,500.
The name Smoushond has less to do with the cuddly being than with that Dog’s mop of hair to do. Smoushond is said to derive from this.
The Hollandse Smoushond is also under the name Dutch Ratter known. The reason lies in his previous job as Pied Piper of Hamelin, um, Holland.
The round paws of the Hollandse Smoushond reminiscent of the paws of cats. meow!Can you think of more stories and tips about the Dutch Ratter? Then we would be happy if you share them with us in the comments. 😊