you love your dog So you try everything to keep him healthy and happy.
Nevertheless, it can happen that he suffers from a health problem. Have you ever heard of Hives in the dog heard? No?
Then in the following guide we will explain what it is, what triggers it and what you can do about it.
How to recognize hives in dogs
Have you ever suffered from hives yourself? If the answer is yes, you know this is about an extremely unpleasant and also painful skin disease acts.
This is shown, among other things, by sometimes watery/purulent wheals and a red rash. This can occur in people on almost any part of the body.
In dogs, hives also appear on the skin. Not only is it uncomfortable and painful.
She solves too an almost uncontrollable itching out of. Which in turn encourages you to scratch like crazy.
Good to know:
The result can open scratches be that unfortunately ignite quickly can. Especially with long-haired dogs, it is often difficult to recognize the red wheals right away. The main symptom here is a dog scratching excessively.
Causes & triggers for hives in dogs
There are several triggers that are responsible for hives in dogs. And indeed, one of the reasons is probably a little surprising.
The intestinal flora
Because the reason is in the dog’s intestinal tract. Or in his intestinal flora. This is an extremely fragile system that can easily become unbalanced.
The tricky thing: Especially with dogs, the main part of the so sits here important immune system. If the intestinal flora is not intact, this naturally also affects the health of the dog.
And dive again the dreaded stress on. We can’t say it often enough, but stress is real one of the most underestimated health risks for our beloved fur noses.
Of course, not every dog is hypersensitive. The fact is, however, that dogs react much more quickly to emotions and moodsthan many people.
Negative things in particular quickly hit them in the stomach – or the intestines.
In fact, your vet will confirm that a stressful environment have a permanent and long-term effect on your dog’s health becomes.
And then maybe also triggers the hives. Because this is a very clear reaction of the dog’s body to the fact that something is bothering him. It’s no different for us humans, by the way.
Already knew?
Hives is also among the names hives or urticaria known. This is divided into different types, including allergic hives and acute spontaneous hives.
By the way, there are culprits behind the wheezy rash histamines. So the substances that are also responsible for hay fever.
Only the symptoms are different here. For example, is effective here an antihistamine, such as cetirizine.
By the way is hives neither highly dangerous nor contagious. In any case, it should be treated as soon as possible.
Here’s what you can do to treat hives in your dog.
4 home remedies for hives
There are some home remedieswhich you can use on your dog if it suffers from hives.
fennel seeds
fennel Many of us probably know it as a miracle cure for intestinal problems. In combination with the following Camomile tea fennel seeds, chopped up and soaked in chamomile broth, are a first home remedy that can be used to reduce itching.
Just the dab affected areas with a lint-free cloth or cotton pad. Your dog will thank you.
Camomile tea
chamomile has always been considered anti-inflammatory and pain-relieving herb estimated. The calming effect also unfolds in hives. And can both relieve the itching and counteract possible inflammation.
Apple Cider Vinegar
Apple Cider Vinegar is a real all-rounder when it comes to natural first aid for your dog. Not only is it good for digestive problems – which of course affect the intestinal flora.
Apple cider vinegar also helps with hives. The reason: The Acid has a regulating effect on the pH value of the skin out of.
You have to decide for yourself whether homeopathy is an option for you. Regardless there is some globuleswhich naturopaths claim to be effective against the itching caused by hives.
This includes, among other things Mezereum in the potency 12X. In order to be able to develop the optimal effect, you give your dog 5 globules 3 times a day.
When to the vet?
Especially with a skin disease like hives we recommend really going to the vet right away.
Yes, home remedies and homeopathic remedies – which veterinarians also prescribe – are good first aid.
But just when the Intestinal flora triggers hives it makes perfect sense to have the dog checked for other possible health problems.
Prevent hives in dogs
We have told you that one of the causes lies in your dog’s intestines. So what could be more obvious than starting right here to prevent hives in your furry friend?
To get the intestinal flora back into balance, you start naturally with the right food. Because if this has the wrong nutrients for your dog, they damage the intestinal flora.
Also medication, like antibioticsor frequent deworming have a negative effect on the intestinal flora.
Here recommend pre- and probiotics. Your vet will of course know which ones are suitable. If you give your dog this for a few days, the intestinal flora will quickly regain its balance.
One last tip: Avoid stress for your dog. Depending on the “sensitivity level”, small things are enough to upset him.
Hives in dogs is probably one of the most unpleasant, because constantly itchy, skin diseases.
Triggered by a non-intact intestinal flora or stress as well as too many agents that have damaged the intestines, hives are a very clear sign of the dog’s body that something is out of balance.
With home remedies as well as homeopathy and of course other medicines, she is but can be dealt with quickly.
Has your dog ever had hives? And if so, what was behind it, how did you deal with it together?
We would be happy if you share your experiences with us in the comments.