History of Bugambilia: Meaning and Medicinal Use

Bugambilia is associated with true love and the power of twin flames.Maria Orlova / Pexels

Bugambilia, the plant of the twin flames

The Bugambilia It is also associated with true love, because it is a representative of the twin flames, which are that superior link that we will have for life towards a person, the soul from which we separate before each earthly experience.

It is something much deeper than the love of our life, it is rather that feeling that we have towards our partner to know it from before, as if in another life we ​​had already coincided. The twin flames are the same divided soul, they make the best of us, vibrate with the same intensity and are found in each of their paths, no matter if it is in another reincarnation.

The truth is that the relationship of the Bugambilia And the twin flames apply only if you believe in that philosophy, however, the story that originated everything would be based on a legend that tells the intense love that two lovers lived, however, they had to be separated by God so that each one could fulfill different tasks to earn being together again.

When facing several situations that forced them to continue separately, she began to find Bugambilia leaves everywhere and immediately understood that it was messages that her beloved sent her; When he saw them fall, the color did not matter, it was an announcement that he was thinking about her.

Bugambilia has great medicinal and culinary use.Vividd / Pexels

Bugambilia and its medicinal and culinary use

This plant has wide medicinal use; It can treat respiratory infections such as cough, asthma, bronchitis and flu, and also skin conditions thanks to its antiseptic properties that help prevent acne, disinfect wounds and peeling.

On the other hand, the taste of the Bugambilia It is quite peculiar and subtle, so it is also a great culinary element as a complement in salads, which provides a sweet and floral touch, and also in desserts, where its leaves are used to decorate and can be incorporated into the elaboration of bitumen and mousse.