At some point in your life, you have surely heard about yin and yang, which is nothing more than a dynamic symbol that shows the continuous interaction of two energies and their balance. Starting from this, we want to tell you about the history and meaning of this strange figure.
First of all, we can tell you that yin and yang, is a principle of Chinese philosophy, where yin and yang are two opposite energies that are needed and complement each other, the existence of one depends on the existence of the other. The yin and yang is a symbol of harmony due to the balance produced by the interaction of the two energies.
Ancient Chinese history is full of legends, miracles, and mysteries that have inspired human civilization to this day. There are many factors involved, some more important than others. A remarkable symbol, it became an important emblem throughout the world, is the Taoist symbol of yin and yang. There is no doubt that it is widely recognized outside of China as a bearer of inner philosophical, historical, and deeply spiritual meanings.
The Tao is a primitive force that is produced by all the natural forces of heaven and of the whole universe. Tao is a way of life, it is not a God or a religion. The principles of the Tao were first enunciated in symbols and words by ancient Chinese philosophers about 5,000 years ago. It is a way of balancing life.
The history and meaning of yin and yang begins with one of the first philosophers of the Tao, who was Lao Tzu. He was an official of the Royal Treasury or Library of the Zhou dynasty and this made it easy for him to become a renowned scholar. In fact, it was Lao Tzu who gave an example of this philosophy of yin and yang, so he wrote: «Everything has within it both yin and yang, and from their alternating ascent and descent new life is born.»
The yin yang are two concepts of Taoism, which exposes duality of everything that exists in the universe. Yang is a bright, positive energy that is presented intensely, while yin is a passive, negative light.. Each object or situation is related to these two dualities and feng shui is responsible for finding a balance to achieve well-being and fortune.
When one of the two energies reaches its maximum expression, it begins the transformation into its opposite, this is what the two points in the symbol represent. At its best, yang contains the seed of yin, just as yin contains the seed of yang.
In short, the history and meaning of yin and yang begins because Taoism is basically composed of positive or negative energy. The two spheres within the symbol represent the idea that each of the forces reaches its extreme point and manifests within itself an opposite feeling.