High blood pressure: apple cider vinegar helps relax blood vessels and further reduce heart risks

The high blood pressure increases a person’s risk of suffering a heart attack and a stroke. It can also cause kidney failure, heart failure, vision problems, and vascular dementia. Fortunately, there are a number of things that can help cut down on your reading, including a daily healthy drink.

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Apple cider vinegar is a healthy, natural and inexpensive way to stay healthy.

In addition to lowering blood pressure, apple cider vinegar also has blood-thinning properties that reduce the risk of heart attacks and strokes.

It also has anti-inflammatory properties that help reduce pain and swelling.

Drinking apple cider vinegar every day could lower blood pressure, scientists say.

It works by reducing the activity of the renal hormone «renin».

Renin is responsible for instructing blood vessels to constrict or dilate.

The constriction of the blood vessels causes the blood pressure to rise.

“By reducing renin activity, vinegar may help blood vessels relax [de manera similar a los medicamentos inhibidores de la ECA] to lower blood pressuresay the specialists.

Studies have suggested that apple cider vinegar induces alterations in renin activity.

Renin is an enzyme that increases blood pressure through vasoconstriction, that is, the narrowing of the arteries.

“Reducing renin activity in the body will lower blood pressure and is the basis for many of the antihypertensive medications”

Furthermore, scientists have determined that: «There are several studies in rodents that suggest that the ingestion of vinegar reduces blood pressure.»

In a study with the effects of acetic acid vinegar on hypersensitive rats were investigated.

The purpose of the study was to clarify the possibility of a preventive effect of dietary vinegar on blood pressure, the long-term administration of vinegar or acetic acid to SHR.

«As a result, it was observed that acetic acid itself, the main component of vinegar, significantly reduced blood pressure and renin activity compared to controls who did not receive acetic acid and vinegar, as well as vinegar.»concluded the study.

Apple cider vinegar is one of the most popular options for many health care experts.

Apple Cider Vinegar May Help Restore a Healthy Gut Microbiome, improve digestion and prevent weight gain and diabetes.

Apple cider vinegar also helps with conditions like arthritis, insomnia, heartburn, acne, allergies, and more.

It contains antioxidants that can help fight free radicals in your body to prevent future health problems.