High Abilities: What are they and what are their characteristics? – Online Psychologists

Until not long ago, the term «gifted» was used to refer to people with a IQ well above average. That is, with an IQ of over 130 on intelligence tests. Today, to refer to these people we use the concept high intellectual abilities.

What are high abilities?

Today, the term high abilities has evolved since the first studies that were carried out. Initially, these were related to the high academic performance.

Later they began to be associated with a high IQ (IQ). Nowadays, the concept of high abilities is used to refer to those people who have great intellectual potential to develop.

The World Health Organization (WHO) estimates that a person is gifted when his or her IQ is equal to or greater than 130.

However, nowadays the experts and specialists In diagnosing Giftedness, this is not the only factor taken into account. This is because intelligence tests are not exact and therefore they do not believe that there is a grade or cut-off point that is the same for all people.

What they do is value the IQ as one more indicator. In this way, they give rise to a multidimensional character assessment which takes into account other indicators. Among these indicators we can find creativity, learning mode and evolution.

The most recent studies define gifted children as those who have a very superior learning capacity. In addition, they usually have a completely different way of learning than the rest. These two elements make gifted children stand out from other children of their age.

In the words of educational psychologist Joseph Renzulli “This does not mean that a student's IQ or level of academic performance should not be taken into account. As one of the criteria, it simply means that it should not be the only criterion when identifying a student for any enrichment or attention program for high intellectual ability.”

On the other hand, Garder, in his Theory of Multiple Intelligences He defined people with high abilities as those who show high percentiles in all capacities. The tests must be carried out by an expert and said percentiles must be below over 75.

In Spain, the term high abilities conforms to the definition established by Castelló and Batlle. Defines high ability as the profile of students who present a intellectual capacity above the 75th percentile.

This capacity refers to all areas of intelligence. In addition, they include different types of intellectual abilities such as verbal reasoning, logical reasoning, memory, creativity or fluid reasoning.

However, high abilities also have room for simple talent, typical of students who show high capacities or competencies in a specific area above the 95th percentile. These would include mathematical, logical or creative areas.

In the 2016-2017 academic year, a study was carried out in Spain. According to the Ministry of Education, there were 27,133 gifted childrenThis figure is equivalent to 0.33% of the total number of students enrolled.

If you think your child may have high abilities, but has not been diagnosed, do not hesitate to contact an online psychologist.

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What are the characteristics of gifted people?

First of all, it should be noted that each person is unique and different. Therefore, there are as many profiles of high abilities as there are people with them.

However, there are a number of common features which are frequently repeated and can help to identify these people in order to request an evaluation that can subsequently confirm or deny it:

  • Curiosity. Children and people with high abilities, in addition to having a high IQ, had a great curiosity. A great interest in origins and destinyThey have great intellectual acuity. They ask questions such as: «How was the world created?», «Where did we come from?» or «What happens after death?»
  • They are very sensitive, perfectionists and question authority. According to research by the psychologist Hollingworth90% of gifted children have a very high sensitivity. In addition to a strong sense of justice, they are also very perfectionists and when something doesn't fit, they question authority.
  • Asynchronous development. The child psychologist specializing in giftedness, C.Terrasier, explained this. He said that children with high abilities have a intellectual evolution that goes ahead of its chronological ageas well as their psychomotor development. That is why many times, when we talk to a child who has high abilities it seems like we are having a conversation with someone much older. This can sometimes cause in minors emotional problems and when it comes to interacting with their environment. That is, with children their age.
  • They learn quickly. People with high abilities usually show this from their first years of life. They learn to speak before the rest of children. They even learn to read without the need for help.
  • Use of language. They have a wide vocabulary. In fact, they show great precision when speaking and using terminology, as well as when structuring their phrases or arguments. Hence the feeling that they seem much older than they are.
  • Quality in your questions. Sometimes they can be unusualbut they always are originals. Sometimes they can be complicated and/or full of maturity. They always do it with intention, they try to know something one hundred percent.
  • Great attention span. When something happens to them really interestedThey are only concerned with that. The rest of the world stops interesting them and doesn't matter.
  • Excellent memoryIf there is one thing that characterizes these people, it is that they present a exemplary memory. They have high capacities when it comes to memorizing elements, moments, people, etc. It could also be said that they have a great photographic memory.

As can be seen, people with high abilities present a series of common characteristics based on their skillsThese are just some of the many skills they may have.

How do I know if I am gifted?

If you have identified with any of the characteristics mentioned above or believe that someone in your environment has them, you may have or have high capacities.

You may be wondering how it is possible that you have reached adulthood without knowing that you are gifted, this can happen. There are people who reach adulthood with high abilities without knowing it. lack of diagnosis or by misdiagnoses. After all, evaluating this is quite difficult.

That is, if you make yourself a qualitative intelligence testthe results of this may be different on different occasions. Results vary depending on factors such as, for example, the state of cheer upThe only proven fact is that after a diagnosis is made you must have an IQ equal to or greater than 130. If this is the case, you have high abilities.

It is true that recognize and detect It is more difficult to assess a gifted adult than a child. In the case of the adult, it is he who has to ask for the assessment and this happens very rarely. This is because gifted people reach a certain age. question already to question even his own intelligence, which makes it difficult for him to put himself in the hands of a professional.

In any case, if you suspect your situation, consult a professional. The ideal thing is that you put yourself in the hands of a psychiatrist or specialist psychologist in the care of adults with high abilities. With their experience they can help you reach the correct diagnosis.

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