Here’s How to Ask Pendulum Questions About Relationships –

Black Witch with knowledge of more than 20 years in red magic and domination spells; main editor at MI SPELL POST, EZEQUIELASMODEUS.COM and creator of SPELLS TO DOMINATE ORG. He is willing to help you solve your problems in a simple way through witchcraft.

If you are passionate about clairvoyance and esotericism, you cannot miss out on dowsing… And whoever says dowsing, says divination! A pendulum is a small object with great power: it will be able to answer your questions accurately. Watch their movement and let yourself be guided by their advice to reveal your future and live your best life.

Like astrology or numerology, the use of a pendulum is an art of divination that has the distinction of being based on science. Do you want to know how the pendulum works and learn how to use it to answer your love questions? So how to ask your pendulum questions about relationships? Let’s find out!

What is a divination pendulum?

A divination pendulum is a small object consisting of a usually pointed mass fixed at one end by a thread or chain of negligible mass. Oscillating, it describes movements that are interpreted to have predictions about the future and more.

Dowsing allows us to capture and interpret the vibrations of our soul to answer questions about the present, past and future. The divination pendulum represents a bridge between the conscious and the subconscious and is a tool of knowledge and foresight. It is certainly useful for making future predictions, but also for finding missing objects or people.

How does it work?

Using the pendulum seems simple, but it takes time and training. When a question is asked about one’s future, it is our subconscious that responds through the circular movements of the pendulum. Clockwise and counterclockwise movements are interpreted as a positive or negative response.

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How to ask your pendulum questions about relationships?

How to ask your pendulum questions about relationships in 3 steps?

Here’s how to use a divination pendulum in 3 easy steps.

1. Magnetize the pendulum

When using it for the first time, it is important to magnetize the pendulum. To do this, hold it 5 cm from your hand, with your palm facing the sky. Move it back and forth, and it will begin to describe circular movements in one direction and then the other until it stops and is charged with the energies of the body and mind.

2. Ask yes or no questions

The pendulum only answers precise questions and will always give answers by exclusion such as yes or no, true or false, far or near, black or white, etc. It will then be necessary to ask questions that go from the general to the particular; For example: ask if the car keys are in the house, then if they are on the ground floor, if they are in the living room, if they are behind you, if they are on the right or left.

This same procedure can be applied for any type of request.

3. Doubt an answer

The pendulum never lies, but if you are unsure about a given answer, you can ask it if it is telling the truth and if so, ask the question and see how it goes and what the pendulum wants you to know. You should not doubt the pendulum any more than you should doubt any type of esoteric magical tool.

Give them a chance to express themselves and use their information and suggestions to create the life you’ve always wanted, just be open to their messages.

my favorite questions

  • If you want to know if your ex will come back to you, ask a question like this: Will (insert your ex’s name here) come back to me by the end of 2020?
  • Will I finally be happy in love at the end of 2020?
  • Will I meet my soulmate in 2021?
  • Will (Insert name here) reciprocate my love for him in 2020?
  • Will (insert name here) be able to rekindle our romance in 2020?
  • Am I on the right path to having the love life I’ve always wanted?

How do I know if my pendulum is telling me the truth?

Well, first of all, I’ll tell you that you don’t know. And secondly, I’ll say «were you neutral about the answer?»

The pendulum is an instrument that you can move consciously and unconsciously.

For example, you can draw a symbol on a piece of paper and give it the command: «move like this image.»

Or easier: when you buy a pendulum and you want to establish the foundations of communication with it, what you do is say: give me a YES and give me a NO.

And the pendulum responds by making the movement corresponding to its YES and NO.

Although in this case you are using conscious control (you are giving a command to the pendulum), you don’t care whether the SI of the pendulum is a movement in one direction or another. You have no preference over the possible answer.

On the other hand, if you ask: “Am I going to win the lottery?” I can assure you that you will never get a neutral response. Because? Because I still don’t know any person who, no matter how spiritual they are, doesn’t prefer the answer to be YES.

Also read:
Can a pendulum predict the future? [& Guía paso por paso]

Do you realize how difficult it is to be neutral on certain issues?

When you ask questions from a state of absolute neutrality, emotional serenity and detachment from the possible answer, it is easier for the answer obtained to be as close to reality as possible.

And notice that I said “the closest thing” to reality.

Because among other factors, you have to know how to ask the right questions.

As I said before, given that the pendulum is a binary response system (YES/NO), we will have to adapt the questions to this form of response. And if it is a very complex question, subdivide it into several questions.

You can also make a response diagram:

Draw a semicircle on a piece of paper and make a series of equidistant marks on it, so that it is divided into as many parts as there are possible answers.

For each of those sections, write an answer.

Then place the pendulum in the center of the bottom line and ask the question. Let the pendulum swing on its own until it points to one of the marks on the semicircle.

Also read:
Why does my pendulum shake? [Significado explicado]

Who can use a divination pendulum?

All empathic people, that is, those who have a strong sensitivity. However, remember that the pendulum does not always give the answers you want, you must have patience and perseverance to obtain reliable results.

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