Heartworm in Dogs: Treatment Costs & Prices Explained

Heartworms may not be among the most common worm infestations in dogs, especially in our latitudes.

Nevertheless, they can occur and become a health risk for the dog.

Heartworm treatment is therefore a must. The following guide will explain it to you all costs and prices for heartworm treatment in dogs.

In a nutshell: How much does a heartworm treatment in dogs cost in total?

€1,345.86 – €3,128.58 ex VAT

The total cost of treating heartworm in dogs are between 1,345.86 and 3,128.58 euros without VAT.

Why so much? Because the treatment of heartworm infestation in dogs is extremely complex and multi-layered.

It includes several steps that are necessary to be able to really help the dog – from the preliminary examination to the follow-up treatment.

It is not uncommon for heartworm treatment to last for several weeks or even months.

The following applies here: The earlier the heartworm infestation was discovered and diagnosed, the shorter and more successful the treatment is usually.

This is how the cost of treating heartworm in dogs is made up

The cost of treating heartworm in dogs is escalating composed of the following factors:

  • preliminary examination
  • Diagnostics (X-ray, ultrasound, tests)
  • Medicines & dewormers
  • Under certain circumstances, surgical intervention including anesthesia and follow-up examinations

Let’s take a closer look at the individual costs you will incur.

preliminary examination

€13.47 – €40.41

The preliminary examination of the dog costs between 13.47 and 40.41 euros. According to the fee regulations for veterinarians, there are three calculation rates.

The single rate is the lowest – in this case at €13.47.


€36.57 – €109.71

The diagnostics that must be carried out in the case of an infestation with heartworms is usually very extensive and includes several examinations.

X-ray costs are incurred here, which are between 36.57 and 109.71 euros (single/triple rate).

The costs mentioned relate to X-rays that are taken without contrast media. If a contrast agent is used, the costs start at around €50.


€42 – €127

Heartworms can also be detected using ultrasound. Such an examination is not always done together with X-rays. But it may be the case.

Among other things, this involves an echocardiography, in which the heart is examined by ultrasound.

The cost of an ultrasound of the heart and lungs of the dog is between 42 and 127 euros.

A heartworm infection can also be suspected using a PCR or Knott test.

The cost of such a test is usually around 20 to 25 euros, but can also be higher.



Mild heartworm infestation is treated with wormers that kill the larvae and adult worms.

The cost of a wormer can vary greatly and range from 35 to 50 euros.


from €60

An active ingredient that is effective against heartworms is moxidectin, which is contained in Advocate for dogs, among others.

There are additional costs that start at around 60 euros. They can be higher depending on the medication and the amount of medication (e.g. with the active ingredient doxycycline).

Good to know

The size and weight of the dog being treated may also play a role.

Large and heavy dogs usually require a higher dose of medication than small and light dogs.

Your veterinarian knows best how high the costs are. Incidentally, this also applies to the administered wormers.


€1,000 – €2,500

If a severe heartworm infestation is already present, the parasites must be surgically removed.

This is not only associated with additional costs of 1,000 to 2,500 euros, but also with many risks.

The anesthesia is not even the highest risk – but rather whether the dog survives the infestation.

Because adult heartworms can be up to 30 centimeters long – and by then they have usually already settled in the heart and lungs of the dog.

This procedure can only be performed by absolute experts and in special veterinary clinics.

Stay in veterinary clinic & board

€19.08 – €57.24 per day

With a severe heartworm infestation, the dog will likely need to spend several days in a veterinary clinic.

There are costs for the overnight stays and meals (feed & medication), which are between 19.08 and 57.24 euros per day/night.

Of course, how high this item is for your dog depends on how many days he has to spend at the vet.

Follow-up examination and treatment

€119.74 to €159.22

Follow-up examinations of successful heartworm treatment in dogs are necessary. They cost between 19.74 and 59.22 euros.

There are usually additional costs for medication and/or spot-ons.

They add up to 100 euros to the total cost of heartworm treatment in dogs.

The total cost depends on the severity of the original heartworm infection.

In some cases, further antigen tests and ultrasound examinations must be carried out 6 months after the end of treatment.

Does dog health insurance cover the cost of heartworm treatment in dogs?

Most dog health insurance policies cover the cost of heartworm treatment in dogsand in many cases in full.

Heartworm is a life-threatening condition that cannot be treated without medication and sometimes surgery.

It is important that you take out dog health insurance including surgical protection. Although it costs more per month, it definitely makes sense – with or without heartworms.

You don’t have dog health insurance yet and would like to find out more about the services and costs covered? Then you can find exciting offers and information here.

We hope we were able to help you with this guide. Has your dog ever had heartworms? Then we would be happy if you share your experiences in the comments.