Healthy orange, carrot and ginger smoothie

With this recipe prepare a healthy orange, carrot and ginger smoothie to complement your diet, either mid-morning or after dinner, in a quick and very easy way.

These three ingredients are among the most recommended foods by experts in the health area to strengthen defenses, thanks to their important nutritional contributions:

  • Orange: Rich in vitamin C, for defenses.
  • Carrot: Provides vitamin A, for eyesight.
  • Ginger: There are many benefits of ginger, as it has vitamins C, B9, magnesium and potassium.
Does orange juice with ginger work for the flu?

In addition to vitamin C, which strengthens the immune system to prevent colds, ginger helps eliminate excess secretions and can lower fever when we already have a cold.

How to make a healthy smoothie

We teach you how to prepare a quick and delicious healthy smoothie orange, carrot and ginger.

Preparation time10 minutesCategoryBeverageCookingInternationalKeywordsHealthy smoothies, healthy juicesFor how many people2ServingLargeCalories50Fat0 g


  • 1 orange
  • 1 carrot
  • 2cm of ginger
  • 2 tablespoons of white sugar or Stevia
  • 1/2 liter of water

Preparation of healthy smoothies for breakfast with orange, carrot and ginger

Step 1: Cut the orange

Wash the orange very well, peel it and cut it into squares.

Step 2: Cut the carrot

Peel the carrot and proceed to cut it into squares.

Step 3: Cut or grate the ginger

Cut or grate the ginger.

Note: Calculate the amount of ginger according to the size of the fruits, since it is very spicy.

Step 4: Blend the ingredients

Add the ingredients to the blender: orange, carrot, ginger and sugar or Stevia. Blend until you have a homogeneous mixture.

Step 5: Serve the smoothie

Serve the smoothie and enjoy a great healthy addition to your daily diet.

Are you more audiovisual? We leave you a step by step video…

Healthy vibe

We share with you a delicious shake to accompany your #VibraSaludable Challenge. Doctor Méndez has called it the «Rapid Shake» because it is very practical, nutritious and also very easy to prepare. And you, how are you doing with your challenge? You can still participate, enter here –>

Posted by Vibra on Wednesday, October 4, 2017

We know that you love to prepare healthy smoothies, that’s why we also teach you how to prepare a delicious and healthy strawberry and spinach smoothie, to detoxify the bodyso you can prepare it whenever you want.

Finally tell us What other healthy drink recipes would you like us to share with you? Write if you liked this recipe in the comments of this note, and share it on your social networks!