Healthy Behaviors for Mental Health – Online Psychologists

When we talk about health we are not only referring to the absence of a disease or illness, we are talking about a complete state of physical, social and mental well-being.

We often come across advice on how to take care of our body, but how often do we hear about how to improve our mental health? There is little information offered to us on this subject and we must know that this is just as important, if not more so, than that related to physical health.

Today in we will give you some small Guidelines that will help you create habits that protect and improve your mental stability But first, it is important that we understand what we mean when we use this term and to do so we will use the definition provided by the World Health Organization, which says the following: “We talk about mental health to refer to a state of well-being in which the individual realizes his or her own abilities, can cope with the normal pressures of life, can work productively and fruitfully and is able to make a contribution to his or her community.”

14 tips to improve your mental health

1. Rest. Since we spend a third of our lives sleeping, it is not surprising that a good rest is essential for our mental health. Your life requires a permanent process of learning, attention, concentration… All of this is closely related to rest. That is why sleep eight hours a day straight, Set fixed schedules for yourself to go to sleep ynDo not exercise or eat heavy meals before going to bed.

2. Take care of your diet. Eating fruits and vegetables as well as foods rich in fiber will help your body produce serotonin, norepinephrine and dopamine neurotransmitters that are very beneficial for mood and mental health. You can read more about it in our articles on the role of hormones in mood and the foods that help us regulate it.

3. Exercise daily. Moderate physical exercise will help you reduce stress, depression and anxiety. On the other hand, committing to a few healthy physical habits and feeling your body in better physical condition will produce very positive effects on your self-esteem.

4. Learn to relax. Invest 30 minutes of your daily routine by doing a relaxing activity such as yoga, reading, meditating, listening to music, etc. will reduce your stress levels, allowing you to face the rest of the day with more energy and vitality.

5. Set goals. We have already told you about the importance of setting goals for yourself. short and long term to improve your willpower and ultimately help your mental health.

6. Perform mental acuity exercises. If you don't like Sudoku or word searches, you can try reading. Other small acts like helping your children with their homework can also be very beneficial for your mind.

7. Be positive. Don't think about the past, accept your mistakes and learn from them. positive attitude It will allow you to face problems and overcome them in a shorter period of time.

8. Improve your self-esteem. Self-esteem is very important since the value that one has of oneself, among other things, is the basis of personal development as well as having great effects on thoughts, emotions, values ​​and goals.

10. Break the monotony. Small actions that break up your daily routine will prevent boredom and depression.

11. Learn to prioritize He who tries to do too much does little. Keep in mind the time you have and the resources at your disposal. Being organized and realistic will help you reduce stress.

12. Have sex. In addition to being an effective exercise, it helps eliminate stress, anxiety or depression.. Caresses, laughter and kisses produce very positive effects on the mind thanks to the endorphins released by the brain.

13. Be self-sufficient. Not depending on others, feeling free and responsible for our decisions helps a lot to our self-esteem and mental health.

14. Doodle. According to a study by the University of Plymouth Published in the journal Applied Cognitive Psychology, an action as simple as doodling promotes mental concentration and stimulates memory.

15. Seek help. It never hurts to have a professional to vent to, such as a psychologist. This can help you deal with your personal problems and give you personalized advice.

Remember that Without mental health there is no healthIn we help you thanks to our therapy where you will receive advice from a online psychologist through a free first session. Try it out!