HEAD, everything you should know about this medicinal plant

One of the Medicinal plants par excellence It is the peppermint (You can also call you yerbabuena, it is correct) and it is so common that you can find it in a market, in a place and at home; However, beyond the ease of finding it, it is really beneficial in many ways.

Herbabuena is good for health, Well, a medicinal herb that our ancestors used and that to date is used. The same way, The peppermint makes insects As Muscos or Ants Huy from home and, of course, for its pleasant perfume aroma the home and almost any space.

The properties of the stake can be drink in a tea.Atu images / getty images.

What is the stiffness and what is it for?

The peppermint It belongs to the family group of the labiados and is phanerogama, which means that it blooms and does so with red shoots. These usually die fast, but their stems are very resistant reaching up to 50 cm high.

The peppermint has various properties and several uses:

Medicinal plant

The properties of The peppermint covers several points ranging from oral health to strong pain. When taking into tea or, chewing it, helps prevent evil breath for germs and bacteria, so not only provides a good aroma in the mouth, but is antibacterial. Combat respiratory problems and you foresee them, so it is good to drink in an infusion in winter times because allergies, flu and light colds could be a thing of the past.

Equal manea, Standing stomach pains And menstrual colic, so an infusion is really favorable because it is a natural analgesic. It is also a kind of digestive so chewing a little after eating, allows the stomach to do its function correctly.

Aromatic plant

Thanks to its peculiar aroma, The peppermint is ideal To have in the kitchen or in the room, inclusive. The plant emits a fresh smell and makes the stay in which it is smelling delicious, and is not harassment of meaning. Similarly, it helps neutralize bad smell, so in addition to providing a good aroma, The peppermint eliminates any particle annoyed smell.