He underwent 10 operations to look like Ricky Martin (Photos)

He is a young Argentine and he is willing to do anything for his favorite artist, he has even undergone countless surgeries to achieve it, now the question is, does he look like? Ummm.

Is named Fran Mariano and his obsession has no limits, although the boy did not look anything like the Puerto Rican singer, he underwent surgeries, almost 10 in total, a situation that has brought him much criticism on social networks.

With this little face I have to be living in Nordelta…. how unfair life ajajjajajaj pic.twitter.com/Lo2MXzQiC0

— Fran (@FranmarianoOK) May 1, 2016

Still Fran is proud of his «extreme» change, «The truth is that I am happy with all the changes I am having, they tell me that I look a lot like Ricky Martin.»

These are some images of their process.

Obviously, like any surgery, this can cause a lot of pain.

The gesticulation process has also been important.

And the accessories are not too much.

The truth is that Fran, in addition to wanting to look like Ricky Martin, did it to change and forget about the Bullying of which he was a victim, knows his story in the «next page».