Most establishments obtain hay illegally and without the previous implementation of a management plan.Burkay Canatar / Pexels.
What is happening with hay
The Ministry of Environment and Natural Resources reported that hay, as well as moss, are key natural resources for soil conservation and their extraction causes a high ecological impact, so they advise that it is best not to buy these seedlings during the December season.
Due to this situation, most Establishments get hay illegally and without the previous implementation of a management plan. In Mexico, Semarnat is responsible for regulating the use, transport and storage of moss and hay, making it very clear that the best is no longer acquiring these plants.
He hay is a very important non -timber forest resource for forest health Since it helps reduce environmental pollution, soil erosion and also helps increase moisture. It is also a shelter for species of flora and fauna, allows other plants to germinate and grow properly, and act as a water regulator. Its growth can take up to seven years.
There are other materials that will be of great help, even, it is very likely that you like much more.Susanne Jutzeler, Suju-Foto / Pexels.
How can you replace hay at your birth
What do you take The hay It does not mean that you can no longer put Christmas birth; There are other materials that will be of great help, even, it is very likely that you like much more. Remember that these changes are only for the care of hay, moss and environment.
Natural or painted sawdust
It is extremely easy for you to get sawdust in stationery, mercerías or carpentry. And if you want to add color, you can paint it on your own to make everything much more fun.
It may sound strange, but when you see it you will love it. You can use pieces that you get in fabric stores or cut pieces of garments that you no longer use.
The sticks will be a good complement within your birth.
Yes, cotton is a great option to replace The hay; You can paint it of the colors that best resemble the seedlings and, thus, there will be no environmental damage.
Stones or sand
Do not worry, these materials will give a lot of life to your birth, in addition to making it look very natural.
You can use cardboard or corrugated paper to simulate some desert surfaces and walls. It is a very useful and manipulable material, in addition to making your birth look beautiful.
The best thing is that you use ecological materials and no longer plants of any kind, in this way you will allow them to continue living a lot of time and not harm the environment.