Have you seen Mary Méndez at her current age, and 20 years ago?

We all know what presenter Mary Méndez looks like at her current age, but few know what she looked like two decades ago.

The host of the Canal Caracol gossip show The netwas born on June 12, 1976, so as of July 2019 he is 43 years old compliments. Look how he looks at this age…

In addition to being one of the best-known entertainment journalists, she is also It is one of the most experienced in Colombian television.

It is because of that shared on his Instagram account a photograph of his beginnings in the world of entertainment.

Does Mary Méndez at her current age look very different from when she was young?

«Today they showed me this photo, 20 years ago… that character is PACO, at that time coordinator of a program called «Maria C’s afternoons» with Maria Cecilia Botero, to which I was invited, today Paco is coordinator of The net!!»

«In this world of the media, those of us who endure are few… and I do not say it from a state of arrogance, but of pride, I am proud to still be able to carry out a job that I love, which cost me fights with my mother (she never wanted that I belonged to this world) that touched me and continues to touch me to fight it to stay, that has allowed me to fully develop and exploit my personality, and that the reasons why I continue exercising is because it is already part of my being, because I am not no one different in front of cameras or behind them…”

“It is worth remembering that even after so many years, I am still excited to do what I do!”

He wrote next to the photograph

Immediately the comments were filled with compliments on his appearance of yesteryear; many highlighted that she looked better chubby how thin

you look cute chubby


She was prettier because she looked plump and now she is very skinny


There you are fuller so you look good


What do you think?

With information from: meter