One of the most successful sagas of modern literature is Harry Potter, by author JK Rowling, whose films were recorded both in Warner Bros studies and in Royal locations along Scotland, Wales and England.
From the famous house of the Dursley to Lake Hogwarts, many of the Harry Potter movies They can be visited and even some exhibitions that explain how the filming of movies was.
Know the locations where the Harry Potter saga was recorded!
Located in Bracknell, England, this house is the one that Harry lived with its uncles and its cousin.Warren Little / Getty Images
Dursley House
One of the iconic locations at the beginning of the Harry Potter saga is the Dursley House, that is, the house where the little wizard He lived with his uncles and his cousin. Originally located in the number 12 of Picket Post Close street, 50 kilometers west London, Warner Bros had to pay the residents of the area to record in the neighborhood, before replicating this in their studies.
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Platform 9 ¾
The King's Cross station in London, It was the location chosen to record the exit of the Hogwarts express, which leaves the platform 9 ¾ In the saga. However, it is the wall between platforms 4 and 5 where these scenes were recorded. In addition, there is a luggage cart that disappears magically Through a wall with the poster of «platform 9 ¾» in the western part of the station, so that fans can take photos.