Guayaba: Benefits and how to grow a tree at home

When you go to a market you find a wide variety of fruitsbut, without a doubt, one that is always present is the guava. There are several types and therefore, its shapes, sizes and colors vary by making it one of the favorites.

Fortunately, it is so easy to find That you can consume it in different ways as in a delicious Christmas punch, a fruit cake, a fresh jug of water or in syrup. The Guayaba is multifaceted And delicious, but – you did not know – you also have medicinal properties that are not so well known, but very beneficial for your health.

Guayabas are beneficial for health.Priscila du Preez / Unspash

What are the benefits of guava?

To the guava It is known as Guayabo, Guara, Arrayana and Luma and Mexico occupies the fifth place of the producing countries in the world. Thus, this fruit is given throughout the region and is consumed fresh or, in sweets, jellies and more once they finish their life.

In addition to its sweet flavor and pleasant aroma, La Guayaba has a high nutritional value Because it is rich in antioxidants, in vitamin C, A and B, as well as in fiber. Therefore, Las Guayabas They bring different benefits to your body.

  • Improves digestion, so it is good to eat one or two small after heavier food.
  • It helps stop aging and can be eaten or use as a mask and improves the skin remarkably.
  • Cholesterol and blood sugars decrease.
  • The leaves can be used as a mask or infusion to eliminate and reduce acne.