Guardian angel prayer for adults and I pray to the guardian angel

Guardian Angel Prayer for Adults / I pray to the guardian angel These times can be very isolating and scary, but our guardian angels want us to know that they are here with us through it all, and can help guide us along our paths unique.

Maybe you have tried to contact your guardian angels before to no avail, or maybe you were interested in doing so but never tried. Regardless of your situation, we present to you, next, my guardian angel prayer for adults and I pray to the guardian angel.


prayers and prayers

Prayer angel of my guardian for adults # 1 (powerful protector)

Holy Guardian Angel, my powerful protector, always keep me in the peace of your love.
From dangers, deliver me; from evil, deliver me;
and in times of distress, comfort me!
In my sleep, watch over my rest; don’t let evil come near me.
Under the wings of your love that inhabit my dreams!
In this night of light, drive away the darkness of fear, also drive away temptations
so that my calm soul rests without affliction.
And that at the dawn of a new day I wake up happy and restored
And witness to the world that I am always loved by you!


Guardian angel prayer for adults #2 (I pray)

Holy angel of my guardian, my heavenly guide, whom I have saddened so many times with my sins. Do not leave me. I beg you and I pray.

In the midst of dangers, do not abandon me or withdraw your support. Do not lose sight of me for a single moment, but may your kind inspirations guide and fortify my soul, revive my faint heart and almost extinguished, because it is without love.

Provide me with some spark of the soft and pure flames that embrace you, so that when I reach the end of this life, I can in your company and in that of the rest of the angels, obtain eternal life and see Jesus without ceasing, love him praise and bless him. Amen.

Guardian angel prayer for adults #3 (I pray)

Night prayer to the guardian angel to have good dreams

«May my good Guardian Angel be by my side now and always come at this time to rid me of bad visions. May God keep my soul from any sin and avoid dreams and ideas that harm mine. Oh my good Guardian Angel, ask the Virgin Mary Our Mother to keep me from sin throughout my life. Amen».


Guardian angel prayer for adults #4 (I pray)

“My God, another day is over. I thank you for everything that has happened today. Stay with me tonight, along with my Guardian Angel, to protect my dreams and sleep. Bless my new day, which will be full of light and joy. Guide my paths.»


Guardian angel prayer for adults #5 (I pray)

Lord, I long to find true rest

Oh Lord, I long to find true rest and so I come to you,
As I lie down, I need you close to hold me through the night.
Please help my mind to see and guide my dreams to heal.

O Lord, restore my weary limbs. Help me find peace here.

When I close my eyes to sleep, come help me trust you.
And to all the loved ones I cherish, may you cherish them too.

Oh Lord, the night time flies so fast, may time bless me.
And a deep and peaceful sleep, a heavenly dream.

So as I slip into bed tonight, I reside in your care.
And I trust that you will be by my side along with my guardian angel.



Guardian angel prayer for adults #6 (I pray)

Father, as we come to the end of another busy day, we praise and thank you for the gift of sleep and for the wonderful way the night hours seem to sweep away all our worries…and melt away all our worries as we rest in you. .
Thank You that we can confidently pass all our cares and worries to You and lay all our burdens at Your feet – knowing that You love us with perfect love and care for us with fatherly concern.

Keep us safe tonight from any danger and risk together with the guardian angel. And illuminate the darkness of this night with your perfect peace, your graceful tranquility and your serene grace. Amen!


Prayer angel of my guardian for adults # 7 (Prayer of invocation)

Protect us, we pray, during the hours of darkness, knowing that there are many dangers and many evils that may lurk outside our home. But thank you that you are our shield and protection. Our rock of salvation and our hope and strength.

Purify our minds, comfort our hearts, calm our souls and give us good sleep, we pray, – we are yours, and you promised that you would give your beloved children restful sleep and rejuvenating rest in the night hours.

May the guardian angel encamp around us tonight and protect us under the shadow of his wings.



If you want to know more about the guardian angel prayer for adults and I pray to the guardian angel, you can ask your question in the comments section.


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