The father of the country is the one who began the war of independence.Heritage images / getty images.
It is said that he touched the bell so that the town got together in the square despite the time. Little by little (faster than slow) the inhabitants arrived among scared and worried about reason, until then unknown, for which the pastor of the place was in such a position. The date was scheduled for later; However, after being «discovered,» they advanced the act with the call of the priest. The so -called father of the country pronounced the historic phrase «Long live America and the bad government dies!», But not before encouraging the settlers and strengthening what they already knew: Spain had colonized and subjugated the country for centuries and it was time to assert the authority of Mexicans.
Unfortunately, there is no accurate record of what the priest really shouted, but there are some versions accepted by historians and researchers of the cry of independencesame that rescued some records made by chroniclers:
Manuel Abad and Queipo: «Long live our Blessed Mother of Guadalupe! Long live Fernando VII and the bad government dies!»
Diego de Bringas: «Long live America! Long live Fernando VII! Long live religion and die the gachupines!»
Juan Aldama: «Long live America! Long live religion and die the bad government!»
SERVANDO TERESA DE MIER: «Long live Fernando VII and the Virgin of Guadalupe!»
Lucas Alamán: «Long live the religion! Long live our Blessed Mother of Guadalupe! Fernando VII! Long live America and die the bad government!» To which the people replied: «Long live the Virgin of Guadalupe and the gachupines die!»
Ernesto Lemoine Villacaña: «Long live the Catholic religion! Fernando VII!
It should be noted that, despite the mouth story and some written records, some researchers believe that Hidalgo could have made the Scream of independence at home and not in the church or, in the central square.