In our following breed portrait we present you one French hunting dog more precisely before: the Griffon Nivernais.
rather unknown in this country our neighbors have appreciated it for hundreds of years as a loyal companion.
What do you expect from the Griffon Nivernais in terms of health, education & Co. have to pay attention? We will tell you in the following lines.
Griffon Nivernais Wanted Poster
Size Male: 55 to 62 cm, female: 53 to 60 cmWeightMale & Female: 22 to 25 kgColorsBlack, grey, fawnLife expectancy10 to 12 yearsOriginFrancecharacter/temperamentFriendly, balanced, independent, stubborn, brave, courageousFCI groupGroup 6: Hounds, Scenthounds and Related Breeds, Section 1.2: Medium-sized Hounds
The Griffon Nivernais is a dog with rough edges. And these show up especially in the body.
This actually works angular than other dog breeds. He is carried by medium length and slender legsthe rod is also long and slender.
Also the Head of the Griffon Nivernais with the long floppy ears is rather edgy in its shape.
Coat, coat texture & coat colors
The coat of the Griffon Nivernais is allowed in the following colors appear: Black, gray and fawn. In doing so, these colors are tan markings accompanied.
These can be found at the insides of the barrelsat the Belly and at the snout.
Eye Shape & Eye Color
The Eyes of the Griffon Nivernais are small and round and stand close together. They usually are dark brown.
Height Weight
As a medium-sized dog, the Griffon Nivernais reaches a shoulder height of 53 to 60 centimeters (females) respectively 55 to 62 centimeters (males).
The weight should males and females between 22 and 25 kilograms lay.
History & Origin of the Griffon Nivernais
The Griffon Nivernais is one french dog breed. She came into being after the end of the French Revolutionso around 1799.
His ancestors are French hound breeds and the Grand Griffon Vendéens. The Griffon Nivernais was made originally for wolf and big game hunting bred.
In the 1920s stood the race just before extinction. That could through this Crossbreeding of the Otterhound and the English Foxhound be prevented.
The FCI recognized the Griffon Nivernais officially in 1959 as a race.
Nature & Character of the Griffon Nivernais
The Griffon Nivernais is a very friendly dog with a balanced temperament. He is loyal, faithful and devoted and a brave and courageous companion.
But the medium-sized Frenchman can other character traits too raise. Then not just happiness and friendliness characterize this hunting dog.
The self and independent fur nose namely can pretty stubborn and headstrong be. he meets Strange? Then be kicked suspicious being to appear.
Different see it with conspecifics, other animals and its people out of. With the former tolerates himself the Griffon Nivernais usually very good.
In turn, he builds to his people close emotional ties on. And that means: The clingy dog hates being left alone.
So our tip: get used to it already your Griffon Nivernais puppy Remember that being left alone doesn’t mean canine Armageddon.
attitude & upbringing
Shapes the Upbringing of the Griffon Nivernais simply or do you have to pay attention to certain things here? And what about her attitude important? You will find out all of this now.
For housing – whether in the city or in the country – is the Griffon Nivernais not suitable.
He has to be in one House with a spacious and naturally fenced garden life.
In addition, the breed has a very high degree of movement. He needs every day several hours of exercise.
Also the mental demand of the dog is very importantso that the Griffon Nivernais does not get bored.
So balanced the temperament of the Griffon Nivernais is – when it comes to his training, the hunting dog presents itself as extremely difficult.
So he is not a beginner dogbecause you would probably despair of his upbringing.
It’s his fault pronounced stubbornness of the dogwho in terms Learning and following commands and commands like to miss.
On top of that he also has a very sensitive being owns. are you trying to push through commands with harshness (which you shouldn’t be doing anyway)?
Then you can train the Griffon Nivernais really tick off. Instead please just be consistent and patient and bring some finesse with.
Health & Care
Can the Griffon Nivernais suffer from breed-specific diseases that cause problems for him or does he have a robust one Health?
You will now get the answer to this question as well as all information about caring for the Griffon Nivernais.
Grooming & General Grooming
The coat of the Griffon Nivernais is despite its coarse structure, it requires a little more care. Because it tends to tangles.
So you should Brush and comb two to three times a week resort to those tangles prevent or remove them.
The Griffon Nivernais is also happy when you regularly around his eyes, ears, teeth and paws take care.
After all, you both don’t want to be here form inflammation and possibly even serious diseases and problems may occur.
The Griffon Nivernais is allowed to enjoy good health. Breed diseases lay not before.
The only thing the French can cause troubleis heat. Because its fur is designed for cold and wet conditions.
Robust health or not – there is some things that are mandatory in terms of health of the Griffon Nivernais are for you. This includes:
- check ups by the vet
- deworming and parasite prevention
- Check that vaccination protection is always up to date
Our tip
Also regular faecal examinations you should have it done at the Griffon Nivernais. These should up to four times a year take place.
Life expectancy
The life expectancy of the Griffon Nivernais is at 10 to 12 years. In order for him to reach this life expectancy, among other things, one helps species-appropriate nutrition.
Is the Griffon Nivernais right for me?
Before we continue with our fun facts, we should first clarify one question that is really important to you: Is the Griffon Nivernais right for you?
Can you a tick after the following statements we’re sure: you and the Griffon Nivernais you can look forward to your life together. 😊
- you are looking for one friendly dogwhich is fun for everyone.
- you are looking for one hunting dogwho roams with you through fields, meadows and forests.
- You have enough timeto you with this demanding dog too busy.
- you are looking for one family dogwho gets along well with children and other pets.
Of course, you should also be aware that you responsibility for a living being for the next 10 to 12 years and longer take over
And that responsibility is not only with emotional but also with financial costs tied together.
Fun facts about the Griffon Nivernais
After all the important information, we’ll tell you now some exciting fun facts about the Griffon Nivernais.
Responsibly Bred Griffon Nivernais puppies taste between €1,500 and €2,000in some cases also significantly more.
Although the Griffon Nivernais as greedy is applicable, he does not tend to be overweight.
The Example of the Griffon Nivernais were those Gray dogs of King Louis IX.also called the saint.
These Gray Hounds will take care of you interesting gene pool of the Griffon Nivernais. meet here Baltic, Celtic and Arabian dogs on each other.
Originally there was two different sizes of the Griffon Nivernais. Today there are only the smaller version.
And with this last fun fact, we now pass the baton on to you. We look forward to reading more stories from you in the comments. 😊