Greysexuality, when sexual desire does not always exist – Online Psychologists

Sexuality is complex because everyone has different tastes and needs. There are more and more people who can label themselves according to what they feel, in this case today we will talk about graysexuality.

What is graysexuality?

Until a few years ago, society was only prepared to accept specific ways of understanding sexuality, which made many people consider themselves strange people for not being able to label themselves within the majority sexual groups such as heterosexuality, bisexuality or homosexuality.

In 2021 we have heard about many sexualities, but there is one that you have probably never heard of and that is quite curious: graysexuality. Its name is due to the fact that It is neither black nor white, but grey. They are people who They do not usually feel sexual desire towards others, but they can have libido. It's like an attraction, but limited.

The thing is, even if you think so, these people They cannot decide when to feel sexual attraction and when not to. Sarah Melancon, sociologist and sexologist, defined these people as “people who tend to feel sexual attraction «rarely, with a low level of intensity or only in very specific situations.» That is, one night they may be very active, but the next they don't want to hear about it.

According to Sarah Melancon: “Graysexuality is the first cousin of asexuality.” That doesn’t mean they are the same either, just graysexuality It is located in the middle of the two extremes. That is, it is among asexual people who never feel any kind of attraction and allosexual peoplepeople who feel attraction to homosexual, bisexual or heterosexual people.

Types of graysexuality

Therefore, there is a wide variety of sexualities, including gyrosexuality, and within grisexuality, There are even more varieties. We can call them subtypes. They all have something in common and that is the low frequency of sexual attraction towards other people since it depends on different factors to be explored.

As we have already mentioned, graysexuality is characterized by experiencing attraction towards someone only in specific situations, contexts or people. This space makes people who consider themselves graysexual identify with asexuality due to many similarities or with other sexualities that are in the “gray zone.” For example, with the demisexuality. Grisexuals feel an intermittence of sexual desire, which makes them think they are demisexuals, those who They feel sexual attraction only when there is a strong emotional bond with another person or they are truly in love.

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Aside from demisexuality, There are also some more like:

  • The reciprosexuality, people who feel attracted to another person only when they know they are attracted to them.
  • The fraisexuality, people who feel sexual attraction to someone they just met, but who when they know her better and seriously disappears full.
  • The acosexuality, people who lose sexual desire when this is reciprocated by the other person.

All these sexualities that we didn't know about and are in the minority make us realize that there have always been different ways of feeling and loving and all of them must be respected. No one chooses to feel one thing or another.

How do I know if I'm graysexual?

After learning these terms, you will probably feel identified with some of them or want to know more about them. These are topics and aspects that are under continuous study. It is difficult to find completely reliable information.

If you have doubts about whether you are graysexual or not, There are a series of questions that can help you determine whether you are or not:

  • Have you ever felt physically attracted to someone in your life?
  • When was the last time you felt attracted to another person?
  • Is there a pattern that repeats itself when you find someone attractive?

In addition, these people also They have some characteristics specifically:

  • They don't prioritize sexual attraction when they are dating someone
  • For them, maintaining intimate relationships It's something unimportant
  • They feel sexual attraction, but with low intensity or infrequent
  • They feel sexual desire only in certain circumstances
  • They prefer other displays of affection such as talking, giving affection, helping, hugging, etc.

Graysexual people do enjoy their intimacy

People with low sexual desire tend to be associated with little or no enjoyment. However, this is not the case. Although graysexuals do not always feel sexual attraction or only at certain times, Yes, they do enjoy sex. and their privacy.

They do it with different objectives:

  • to feel privacy
  • by fun
  • for become emotionally attached
  • for have children
  • for meet and experiment with your body

People are different both physically and mentally, our tastes change, our way of seeing life changes, in short, everything changes. The important thing is that in the world in which we live we can be who we are, without prejudice.

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