Through an interview, Greeicy’s father confessed that he did not like Mike Bahía at first. How is your relationship now?
Don Luis Alberto Rendonwho in recent days surprised thousands of fans by confirming the rumors about the pregnancy of her daughter, the beautiful singer and actress Greeicy Rendón, and assured that the little one would arrive in mid-AprilThe next year, he again gave something to talk about but this time for a curious confession he made about his son-in-law.
The father of Cali, who in addition to revealing some details of the stage that his daughter is living, has expressed his full support for the couple, confirming that together they will form a wonderful home, recently revealed what was the first impression he had Seeing Greeicy’s now-fiancé… And it looks like it wasn’t good at all!
‘Oh, no! Who did he get ‘: Greeicy’s dad confessed that Mike Bahía did not like him at first
Well, during an interview for Pulzo, the also singer and who calls himself «El perro» said that the first time he saw the interpreter of «Buscíante» was during a video call he made with his daughter while he and his wife were living in Europe.
When seeing the photograph of his current son-in-law, Rendón assures that not exactly good thoughts came to his head, because he immediately began to question who he was and where this character had come from:
“We think”Uy, how so?, who came to the house? One without knowing who he was (…) Me: ‘Uy, no! Who got it?“
He says that he was completely impressed when he saw the singer, among other things because “he was riding his Harley-Davidson“, which seems that it did not give him a “good feeling”. But despite everything, the artist won his heart, as he said that once he and his wife returned from abroad they had the opportunity to get to know him better, so that over time he could really see who It was him.
“When we arrived she took him to the house, she did not introduce him, we talked with him, very decent, very well spoken, very well placed. But one knows that the new broom sweeps well, so we began to strike up a conversation and really today I feel very proud of the person he brought to our environment. He gives us a very special place, he makes himself loved because he is very kind and very human. ”
Here is the excerpt from the interview:
And you, what do you think about it? Tell us in the comments!