Golden retriever dachshund mix in breed portrait

Hybrid breeds, i.e. dog breeds that are crossed from two popular breeds, for example, are very popular.

Especially that one Golden retriever is one of the dogs that is bred with other breeds.

Next to the Goldendoodle there is now also that Golden retriever dachshund mixalso called Golckle or Golden Dachshund.

The most important thing in brief about the Golden Retriever Dachshund Mix

The Golden Retriever Dachshund Mix, a so-called Designer Dogis also among the names Golden Dox, golckle, Golden Viennese, golden weenie, Dachshund retriever and Weiner retrievers known.

Size & Life Expectancy:

  • Size: 50 to 60 centimeters
  • Weight: up to 34 kilograms
  • Life expectancy: 12 to 14 years

Character: Playful, bright, spirited, cuddly, active, stubborn, strong in character

Special feature: The Golden Retriever Dachshund Mix is ​​a cross between two original hunting dogs. Accordingly, these dogs not only need a lot of exercise, but should not necessarily live in the company of small rodents, for example.


The Golden Retriever Dachshund Mix combines what we consider to be the most beautiful optical characteristics of the Golden Retriever and the Dachshund. Since the Goldie is usually crossed with a long-haired or smooth-haired dachshund, the fur is smooth.

In addition, it has, among other things, for Golden Retrievers typical light golden coat color on. The dachshund physique is characteristic. This breed is significantly smaller than the Golden Retriever.

And also the floppy ears we probably associate it with a dachshund, even if the goldie also owns it.

In short: The Golden Dox looks – depending on the coat color like a little golden retriever. The black nose and the large, dark eyes are also striking.

Depending on which breed has prevailed in your Golden Dox, the size of the dog will also be different. If the retriever portion is dominant, the Golden Weenie is larger. If the proportion of dachshunds is higher, your dog will reach a smaller size.

Height Weight

The Golden Dox or Golden Retriever Dachshund Mix achieves one average size of 50 to 60 centimeters. Together with one weight of up to 34 kilograms This hybrid breed is one of the medium-sized dogs.

Both height and weight level off between the two breeds. Bitches are usually a bit smaller and weigh less than males. Also decides the respective race proportion about the size and weight of the Golden Dox.

Colors & coat texture

The fur of the Golden Dox, by the way, in the 1980s for the first time in the USA saw the light of day, is medium in length and has a silky texture. In the coat color usually dominates the des Golden retriever.

However, this is not automatically typical of the breed. And so the golden dachshund can also have the typical colors for dachshunds. And that’s usually either brown, black, red or tan.

Of course, this breed owes its silky fur to its parents. While dachshunds have a short and smooth coat, golden retrievers have what is known as a double coat. That means they have undercoat. This is covered by a curly upper coat.

For your Golden Retriever Dachshund Mix that means: lots Fur that is cuddly and slightly curled is, or can be.

This also means that this breed sometimes sheds a lot. This is especially true when the fur changes, i.e. in spring and autumn.

Character & nature of the Golden Retriever Dachshund Mix

Both Dachshunds and Golden Retrievers were originally bred as hunting dogs. And of course that is also reflected in the nature and character of this breed. In addition, it applies to every hybrid breeding that the Character traits are not always “equal”..

It may be the case that your Golden Wiener has more of the character of a Golden Retriever. It may just as well be that the not-so-little rascal resembles a dachshund in nature. You should definitely keep that in mind if you have fallen in love with this breed.

Let’s say your dachshund retriever is more after the goldie. Then you not only have a very active dog. You also have a dog with a notoriously large appetite.

This information is also important, because if you eat a lot and like to eat, tends to be overweight. In addition, Golden Retrievers are considered a breed that wants to «please».

Is your golden retriever dachshund mix more dachshunds, are a pronounced hunting instinct and an active nature pre-programmed. You should also note that dachshunds are considered very stubborn.

And this stubborn head means: Your Golden Dachshund has a mind of its own. If this is the case, this dog needs a particularly consistent upbringing.

By the way, both breeds pass on two things to the cuddly four-legged friend: One above average intelligence. And this in turn makes the Golden Weenie not only very trainable, but also very strong and stubborn.

Added to this is a pronounced urge to move. If you belong to the more relaxed type, this information is also very important for you. Because lazing around and doing nothing is not in the nature of the Golden Retriever Dachshund mix.

attitude & upbringing

The Golden Retriever Dachshund Mix is ​​an exceptional breed indeed. Because here the gene pools of two real character breeds meet. Of course, this also has an impact on attitude and upbringing.

You probably know that every dog ​​needs a two-legged alpha dog. This applies in particular to the Golden Weenie, who is considered to have an extremely strong character. A consistent education is therefore a must. This is the only way your four-legged roommate can accept you as a pack member.

This breed also needs a lot of exercise and exercise. But physical activity is not everything. As a very intelligent breed, the Golden Dachshund also requires a lot of intellectual stimulation. You can provide this, for example, by fetching or intelligence toys.

Properly raised, the Golden Retriever is a dachshund mix real family dog. He gets along with young children and other pets alike.

Besides, he is loyal, affectionate and loving and is also happy about extensive cuddles.

Breeding & Health


With every pedigree dog, you there are a few things to consider before purchasing. That starts with breeding. Please make sure that your little Golden Retriever Dachshund Mix puppy comes from a reputable breeder.

It is important that the puppies not the result of so-called backcrosses is. Because these restrict the gene pool massively. This can lead to some serious health problems.

And these in turn can greatly reduce the life expectancy of your four-legged friend. If you decide to get a Golden Retriever Dachshund Mix, you should definitely get the following things from the breeder: A pedigree, health certificates and a vaccination card.


In general, mixed breed dogs should have more robust health than purebred dogs. However, this statement should be treated with caution and unfortunately does not always correspond to the facts.

suffer like this Golden retrievers, for example, very often suffer from hip and joint problems. dachshund against it suffer from eye problems and back problems Suffer.

These health issues are not automatically «magiced away» during breeding, so they can also make life difficult for your Golden Retriever Dachshund Mix.

In addition, both races, independently of one another, have the tendency add a few grams too much. A species-appropriate diet – please rich in meat and important nutrients – is therefore important. And this should be done in combination with sufficient physical activity.

Incidentally, being overweight is not only visually bad. It has above all serious health effects. Among other things, extra grams or kilos can affect the joints. The consequences can also include shortness of breath and heart problems.

Life expectancy

With a species-appropriate husbandry and diet and the descent from a reputable breeder, your new roommate can reach the age of 12 to 14 years. It is important that you bring your Golden Retriever Dachshund Mix to a routine veterinary check-up once a year.

You should also deworm your four-legged companion regularly. Why are we saying this? Anyone who spends a lot of time outdoors can quickly catch a parasite. And that, in turn, can lead to worm infestations and secondary diseases.

Did you know that this life expectancy is due to the dachshunds in the Golckle? Because this can be significantly older than the Golden Retriever.

Its life expectancy is 10 to 12 years.

What is there to look for in Golden Retriever Dachshund Mix puppies?

We already mentioned it. Would you like a puppy of this unusual breed to enrich your home? the breeder to consider first. Unfortunately, with many breeds, it happens again and again that, for example, beauty comes before health.

With this breed, we would also like to note that the size differences between Golden Retrievers and Dachshunds should not be disregarded. The fact is that a goldie is significantly larger than a dachshund. To what extent this breed is really a good idea is ultimately up to you to decide.

Please make sure that this «division» applies to the parents: The Mother must be a golden retriever, father of the dachshund. If this is the case the other way around, you should avoid such a breeder.

In the worst case, a dachshund mom can die at birth due to the retriever genes.

You should also make sure that your Golden Retriever mix appropriately socialized became. This includes that the little rascal gets along with other dogs as well as with people and other animals.

This also means that the puppies should only leave their parents after a few months. As mature applies to your Golden Retriever Dachshund Mix, by the way at about a yeari.e. 12 months.