The gold passport It represents a significant benefit for travelers, since it confers status, since among the benefits of this color, there is the possibility of having several nationalities at the same time. By ensuring their global mobility and finding solutions to possible inconveniences through obtaining multiple citizenships, individuals who possess it see in these golden passports a strategic tool.
The appearance of this coveted gold passport dates back to the 2000sand since then, around 50 thousand people get this distinctive passport every year. A remarkable example of someone who has taken advantage of this benefit is the former CEO of Google, Eric Schmidt, who requested this passport and allowed him to spend time in the European Union during the pandemic, even among the blockages by the COVID-19.
The gold passport represents a Residence permit granted through investments in the real estate sector, participation in government plans and philanthropic activities. This privilege gives beneficiaries the opportunity to enjoy the rights and benefits of a citizen of the receiving country, allowing them to take their partners and children so that they can develop their daily activities, such as working and studying.
How to get the golden passport?
Obtaining these passports demands to meet certain requirements, including a large monetary investment, not having a criminal record and maintaining said investment over the years. In some countries with less rigorous requirements, investment can be $ 100,000, while in more demanding nations, this amount can become one million dollars. Unlike other types of passports, The beneficiaries of gold passports are not required to reside in the receiving country, nor meet such rigorous requirements.